Support de cours Lua Programming Language

Support de cours Lua Programming Language, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques LUA en pdf.

Lua is … embedded in a fair share of applications
•  Wireshark
•  Nmap
•  Snort
•  Cisco SM
•  Barracuda Web Server
•  Chipmunk AV controller
•  Oliveh printers
and many many others
Why Lua ?
•  Embeddability
•  Portability
•  Simplicity
•  Small Size
•  Quite Efficient
•  Free Open-­‐Source Sooware
•  Provided as a C library
–  stand-­‐alone interpreter is a client
•  Simple API
–  simple types
–  low-­‐level opera9ons
–  stack model
•  Embedded in C/C++, Java, Fortran, C#, Perl, Ruby, Ada, etc.
–  language designed with embedding in mind –  bi-­‐direc9onal
•  host calls Lua and Lua calls host
•  most other scrip9ng languages focus only on calling external code
•  Runs on most machines we ever heard of
–  Unix, Mac, Windows, Windows CE, Symbian, Palm, Xbox, PS2, PS3, PSP, etc.
–  embedded hardware
•  WriCen in ANSI C / ANSI C++
–  avoids #ifdefs
–  avoids dark corners of the standard
–  development for a single and very well documented plarorm:
•  Lua has “two parts”: core and library
–  core moving towards a free-­‐standing implementa9on
•  no direct dependencies on the OS
•  Just one data structure: tables
–  associa9ve arrays
–  t.x for t[« x »] (sugar syntax)
–  all efforts to simplicity and performance
•  Complete manual with 100 pages
–  core, libraries (standard, auxiliary) and API
•  Paradigm: mechanisms instead of policies •  Non-­‐in9mida9ng syntax
–  For non-­‐programmers users like engineering, geologists, mathema9cians, etc

LIRE AUSSI :  Using LuaTask


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