Project Management Professional « PMP Training»

Project Management Professional « PMP Training»

Introduction  PMIvsPMPvsPMBOK? 

Requirements for PMPexam  Guidelines for completing PMPapplication  Aboutthe PMPexam 4 PMI vs PMP  PMI:Project Management Institue– Nonprofitorganisationbased in USA– Certification program– Localchapters  PMP: Project Management Professional– Certification awarded by PMI– Valid3 years– Need60PDUsforrenew 5 PMPexamCost structure 6 Requirements 7 Guidelines • Threemainparts– Personnalinformation– 4500h/7500hofexperience(Primary contact)– 35hours ofproject managementeducation • Audit: Youmayrecieve an email … 8 Guidelines • Experiences

(Primarycontact) 9 About the Exam

D-day • Duration: 4hours • 200MCQ (multiple-choicequestions) • 25question are pre-test question. Not scored (175 arescored) • 10knowledgearea + 5 process groups  49processes (Edition 6 PMBOK) 10 About the Exam :D-day • WhatTypeofQuestionsWill I See onthe PMPExam? » ITTO Based Questions » Situation Based Questions » FormulaBased Questions » Definition Based Question » Interpretational Questions » Professional and Social Responsibility 11 About the Exam :Dates • Exam dates:Year:2023/Country:Morocco /City: Casablanca 

Evolution du PMBOK(From1996) 1

PMP®StudyMaterials 1. PMBOK 6th edition 2. PMBOK 7th edition 3. Rita Mulcahy 11th edition 4. PMP Exam Simulators and Free Questions 5. PMP Apps (ITTO) 14 Program  Introduction  Lecture.1:Project ManagementFramework  Lecture.2:Integrationmanagement  Lecture.3:Scopemanagement  Lecture.4:Schedulemanagement  Lecture.5:Costmanagement  Lecture.6:Qualitymanagement  Lecture.7:Resourcemanagement  Lecture.8:Communicationmanagement  Lecture.9:Riskmanagement  Lecture.10:Procurementmanagement  Lecture.11:Stakeholderengagement  Lecture.12:Social and professional responsibilities 15 Agenda • Project Management Fundamentals • Environmentin which projects operate • Role of Project Manager 16 Project Management Fundamentals 17 Project Management Fundamentals  APROJECT : « Is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service, or result.» 18 Project Management Fundamentals • APROJECTcharacteristics : • Hasaspecific objectives • Istemporary ( begining and end ) • Hasaclient • Multidisciplinary • A project comes to an end when: o Its objectives are met; o Thesponsordecides to terminate the project as the objectives cannot be met o Project are no longer required.

LIRE AUSSI :  Contribution du géomètre-topographe au projet de construction d’une route semi-rapide

Project ManagementFundamentals  WhatisPROJECTinitiation context ?

Project Management Fundamentals  APROJECTconstraints / Classicalapproach :  Project has three constraints 21 Project Management Fundamentals  APROJECTconstraints/ Modern approach :  Aproject hasmore than three constraints 22 Project ManagementFundamentals  ANOPERATION « Is ongoing endeavover that produce repetitive outputs, with resources assigned to do basically the same set of tasks according to the standards institutionalized in a product life cycle »  Characteristics  Repetitive  Dedicated resources  Businessprocessoriented 23 Project Management Fundamentals


« A group of related projects, subprograms, and program activites managed in coordinated way to obtain benefits not available from managingthem individually.» « Aproject need not belong to a program,But a programwill always have projects » A program is designed to deliver some strategic benefits to the organization; the benefits could be tangible (e.g., growing the operating margin) or intangible (e.g., improving the morale of the team)

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