Performance management process

Performance Management Process

Performance management is a communication process by which managers and employees work together to plan, monitor and review an employee’ s work objectives and overall contribution to the organization. More than just an annual performance review, performance management is the continuous process of setting objectives, assessing progress and providing ongoing coaching and feedback to ensure that employees are meeting their objectives and career goals.

There is much more to performance management than the annual performance review meeting. Performance management is a continuous process of planning, coaching and reviewing employee performance.

ӹ Identify critical areas that will be key performance objectives for the year. The choice of areas may be determined by the organization’s strategic plan, by the employee’s desire to improve outcomes in a certain part of his or her job or by a need to emphasize a particular aspect of the job.

Often, the most difficult part of the planning phase is developing clear and appropriate language to describe performance objectives and measures or indicators of success. Supervisors need to ensure that the performance objectives are a good representation of the full range of duties carried out by the employee, especially everyday tasks that take time, but are often not identified as significant accomplishments.

By Sept. 10, 2013, use instructional system design methodologies to design and develop a one-day PMP course for state employees, so participants are able to constructively build their knowledge about the performance management process in the course being offered in fall 2013.


While goals tell employees what they have to do, performance standards tell them how well they have to do it. Listed below are some principles of writing good standards that can be used effectively to evaluate employee performance:

Quantity: addresses how much work is produced. A quantity measure can be expressed as an error rate, such as number or percentage of errors allowed per unit of work or as a general result to be achieved. When a quality or quantity standard is set, the criteria for Exceeds Standards should be high enough to be challenging, but not so high that it is unattainable.

Customer requests/inquiries often require additional research or consultation. The representative who received the request/inquiry is responsible for researching the issue or consulting with appropriate team members and providing a response to the customer. In some cases, a representative is unable to assist a customer with a request/inquiry. When this occurs, the call must be transferred to another representative. Department procedures require the representative transferring the call to remain on the line with the customer until the other representative answers the call and confirms the ability to assist the customer.

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