VOICE AND VALENCE  Theoretical and conceptual framework of the study  Different theories exist in linguistic study. Among which functionalism, distributionalism, structuralism etc… the study will be adopted a distributionalism theory, for the distribution of different elements of the clause. This...

A contrastive study of English and Wolof tenses and aspects

A contrastive study of English and Wolof tenses and aspects The first function of language is that of communication. Language is one of the most important and characteristic form of human behavior. Thus as a fundamental aspect of human behavior,...

Derivation and compounding in English and Diola-Fogny

Derivation and compounding in English and Diola-Fogny Morphology is divided into two major fields : inflection and word formation The latter is subdivided into derivation and compounding. For their coinage, certain words require special operations referred to as derivation. Definition...

Creativity methods to promote European equality

Creativity methods to promote European equality Not to be confused with general artistical “creative methods(!!!)”, creativity methods aim to increase the power of mind, the concentration, the mental productivity and the structuring of thoughts. Advertising agencies, marketing departments, inventors, scientists,...

Architecture trabéculaire et mode de vie

Architecture trabéculaire et mode de vie volumes d’intérêt dans les métaphyses humérales des reptiles non-aviens (Plasse et al. 2019) Ce chapitre traite de la relation entre l’architecture trabéculaire et le mode de vie chez trois groupes de reptiles actuels (crocodiles,...

Minéralisations cuprifères supergènes dans le district Centinela, désert d’Atacama, Chili

Minéralisations cuprifères supergènes dans le district Centinela, désert d’Atacama, Chili Fission track analyses  Principles  The low-temperature thermochronology fission track method, proposed by Price and Walker (63), is based on the spontaneous fission of natural uranium present in U-enriched minerals as...

Perturbation de la fonction thyroïdienne : mise en place d’une stratégie de criblage des produits chimiques

Perturbation de la fonction thyroïdienne : mise en place d’une stratégie de criblage des produits chimiques Les grands axes de la régulation hormonale  Les perturbateurs endocriniens et la thyroïde  La prise en compte par les autorités sanitaires du danger, pour...

le rôle du psychomotricien dans l’accompagnement des femmes en processus de Procréation Médicalement Assistée

Le rôle du psychomotricien dans l’accompagnement des femmes en processus de Procréation Médicalement Assistée Les femmes et le parcours de PMA en France  Au travers de mes différentes recherches sur la PMA, j’ai pu constater que la prise en charge...

-Large gene expansion in mutualistic polydnaviruses:

Large gene expansion in mutualistic polydnaviruses Gene duplications have been proposed to be the main mechanism involved in genome evolution and in acquisition of new functions. They constitute therefore an important source of innovations and adaptations. Gene duplications are found...

A within-species analysis reveals the adaptive value of vein density along climatic gradients

A within-species analysis reveals the adaptive value of vein density along climatic gradients Introduction  Functional ecology holds promise for revealing the phenotypic determinants of the adaptation of organisms to their local environment thanks to the comparison of plant functional traits...