Does Hadoop Offer an Alternative to the Use of RDBMS?

Cloud Computing Definition Cloud computing as concept have gained a lot of attention in both industry and academia (Donno, 2019). It has become more confusing due to the fact that it is a “perfect marketing buzzword” (Wayner, 2008), or as...

Measuring sustainability performance

Measuring sustainability performanc Elkington (1998) for the first time introduced the three dimensions of sustainability. He called these dimensions as the triple bottom lines (3BL), which are profit, people, and the planet.  There are activities at the intersection of economic,...

Optimization Problems in Supply Chain Management

Opportunities for Leagile Supply Chain Although the benefits of LSC are undeniable, its shortcomings are also well-noted. Chantarachalee, Carvalho, & Cruz-Machado (2014) stressed that LSC lacks external responsiveness to customer demands, which requires flexibility in product design. Similarly, Banomyong &...

Bayesian Probabilistic Model of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks

The Neural Networks Artificial neural networks are a brain-inspired system which aims to replicate the human brain learning system. The neural network is currently the state of the art for image-based pattern recognition. Such a system can be trained recognize...


Aeronautics contribute to climate change and degradation of air quality around airports through its emissions of greenhouse gases (CO2, water vapor), pollutant gaseous and its particulate emissions (soot, organic aerosols ...). In addition, fuels from this transportation sector are mainly...

Noise Propagation in Power Converter

Noise in power converter is an important topic which has been extensively researched. Typically, there are two types of noise mentioned in power converter researches: - Electromagnetic Interference (EMI): noise generated by the converter, propagating to the grid, which impacts...

Resource Allocation Designs for 5G Wireless Backhaul Networks

The evolution of mobile wireless networks towards their Fifth Generation (5G) establishment and beyond (Andrews et al., 2014; Nikolich et al., 2017) has seen an increasingly massive number of connected devices ensuing from the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry...

Principes fondamentaux du chauffage par induction

Principes fondamentaux du chauffage par induction  Le phénomène du chauffage par induction électromagnétique est depuis longtemps connu et étudié. Sa découverte remonte à 1831, par Mickael Faraday. Il faudra cependant attendre les années 1920 pour voir naître ses premières applications...

Reinforcement learning (RL)

Reinforcement learning (RL) Reinforcement learning (RL) is a machine learning algorithm in which it originally inspired by behaviorist psychology. This inspiration comes from the fact that the agent or machine tries to automatically make suitable decisions in response to specific...

Berth Allocation Problem (BAP)

Berth Allocation Problem (BAP)  Quand un navire arrive au port, il attend son tour pour accoster au quai. Les sections du quai réservées où l’accostage s’effectue sont appelées zones d’accostage. Les problèmes d’allocation de ces zones consistent à assigner, d’une...