Facial Image Analysis Techniques & Related Processing Fundamentals

Many video encoders do motion analysis over video sequences to search for motion information that will help compression. The concept of motion vectors, first conceived at the time of the development of the first video coding techniques, is intimately related...

Techniques de codage avancées et applications au CDMA

Claude Shannon proved [1] the existence of codes that allow reliable transmission, provided that the information rate in bits per channel use is less than the channel capacity. A randomly generated code with large block size has a high probability...

Nonlinear computational aeroelasticity

Aeroelasticity of aircraft wings is described by the mutual interaction between aerodynamics and structural dynamics. Aeroelasticity models are based on physic hypotheses. When flight speed is in subsonic regime, the hypotheses of linear theories can be applied. However, as flight...

Identification of wetland landscape types in forested regions: the case of boreal quebec, canada

IDENTIFICATION OF WETLAND LANDSCAPE TYPES IN FORESTED REGIONS: THE CASE OF BOREAL QUEBEC,CANADA Because of increasing pressures that have resulted from timber harvesting, mining, hydroelectric development, and ecotourism (World Resources Institute 2000; Anielsky and Wilson 2006), there is an urgent...

Facial Expression Recognition in Videos

Studying facial expression recognition is a challenging task and has drawn increasing attention from computer vision researchers due to its variety of applications in interacting human with computers, medical and psychological assistance and marketing. In fact, facial expression is one...

Aircraft Performance modeling

Aircraft Performance modeling The main goal of an aircraft performance model is to predict with a certain level of accuracy the actual aircraft and engine performance. The word “performance” in this context refers mainly to flight parameters describing the aircraft...

Unsupervised Abstractive Summaries of Controllable Length

Automatic Summarization Automatic summarization is concerned with compressing document(s) into a concise and fluent summary while preserving the most important information. There are many approaches to the automatic generation of summaries. One of the most important distinction to be made...

Development and validation of tools for the structural design of wind turbine blades

In the beginning of his doctoral studies, the author had the chance to participate in the design of a 10 kW wind turbine. This turbine, was designed at ÉTS and manufactured in the course of a project funded by the...

Variational Autoencoders with Gaussian Mixture Prior for Recommender Systems

In an era when more content is available electronically every day, it has become harder for consumers to find interesting media such as books, movies, TV shows, songs and textual information. The shear volume of information is overwhelming and provides...

Modelling, Identification, and Control of a Quadrotor Helicopter

The study of the Vertical Take-Off and Landing (VTOL) Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been growing intensively by researchers in the recent decades. The UAVs have gradually been adopted by the public to be used in several areas. In fact,...