Détection d’une interface utilisant le bus 1-Wire

MONITORING  Définition Le monitoring est le terme anglais désignant la surveillance et définit la mesure d’une activité (humaine, économique, électrique, d’un organe…). En électronique, le monitoring désigne l’ensemble d’un système d’écoute, composé d’une commande d’aiguillage et de niveau. En informatique,...

Working with Services

Working with Services Determining When to Use Services A service within the Android Software Development Kit (SDK) can mean one of two things. First, a service can mean a background process, performing some useful operation at regular intervals. Second, a...

Using Android Networking APIs

Using Android Networking APIs Using Location-Based Services (LBS) APIs Whether for safety or for convenience, location-based features on cell phones are mostly standard these days.As such, incorporating location information, navigation, and mapping features into your project can make your application...

Understanding the Anatomy of an Android Application

Understanding the Anatomy of an Android Application Mastering Important Android Terminology This chapter introduces you to the terminology used in Android application development and provides you with a more thorough understanding of how Android applications function and interact with one...

The Android DDMS Quick-Start Guide

The Android DDMS Quick-Start Guide The Dalvik Debug Monitor Service (DDMS) is a debugging tool provided with Android Software Development Kit (SDK). Developers use DDMS to provide a window into the emulator or the actual phone for debugging purposes as...

 Maximizing Application Compatibility

 Maximizing Application Compatibility With almost two dozen manufacturers developing Android devices, we’ve seen an explosion of different models—each with its own market differentiators and unique characteristics. Users now have choices, but these choices come at a cost.This proliferation of devices...

Étude de la sécurité sous Android

Politiques de sécurité Aujourd’hui, les Operating Systems (OSes) sur plate-formes PC, comme GNU/- Linux utilisent des politiques de sécurité de type Discretionary Access Control (DAC) [HRU76]. Dans ce modèle, un ensemble de sujets du système se voient fournir sur un...

IPsec High Availability Options

IPsec High Availability Options Foundation Topics Sources of Failures The network has a number of possible points vulnerable to failure. Remember that an IPsec VPN is an end-to-end connection. It typically travels across untrusted networks (such as the Internet), and...

Implementing Cisco IDS and IPS

Implementing Cisco IDS and IPS IDS and IPS Functions and Operations There are two types of intrusion systems that are typically deployed in networks today: intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). Each type of system consists of...

Introducing Android Free and Open Source

Introducing Android Free and Open Source Android is an open source platform. Neither developers nor handset manufacturers pay royalties or license fees to develop for the platform. The underlying operating system of Android is licensed under GNU General Public License...