Mercury speciation in seafood using isotope dilution analysis: a (critical) review

Mercury speciation in seafood using isotope dilution analysis: a (critical) review Introduction Mercury (Hg) is an element occurring naturally in all environmental compartments. The Earth‟s crust is the primary source of Hg, releasing 2700 to 6000 tons of elemental Hg...

Benefits and costs of adaptation to constant and alternating polluted environments

Benefits and costs of adaptation to constant and alternating polluted environments Environmental changes are assumed to have increased in frequency and intensity throughout the world, as a result of anthropogenic activities (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). These sudden and important changes...

General context from biodiversity to ecosystem restoration

Restoration ecology: definition, aims and semantics Restoration ecology is the science that develops and tests a body of theory focused on repairing damaged ecosystems (Palmer et al., 1997) and is therefore closely linked to ecological restoration which, according to the...

Les causes de mortalité des mammifères marins

Les causes de mortalité naturelle Les causes de mortalité naturelle au semdes populations de mammifères sont nombreuses et diffèrent en fonction de la classe d ' âge. Si les jeunes sont prin cipal em ent affectés par l' inan iti...

Influence of habitat disturbances on site fidelity of forest-dwelling caribou 

L'étude de la fidélité au site chez le caribou forestier (Rangifer tarandus caribou) L'écotype forestier du caribou des bois occupe de grands domaines vitaux et une bonne partie de son aire de répartition est soumise à une activité humaine intensive....

Aspects écologiques et physiologiques de la restauration des récifs coralliens

The shallow waters of coastal tropical waters are dominated by colorful formations impressive for their variety of motifs and forms--coral reefs. Stretching over a vast region of the tropics, coral reefs form the most biodiversed marine habitats, which represent 5%...

Potentiel evolutif de la croissance chez des populations d’omble de fontaine (salvelinus fontinalis)

In the current context of increasing anthropogenic selection pressures, such as climate change, pollution or artificial selection, it is essential to document the evolutionary potential of populations which can be rapidly submitted to new environmental conditions (Smith & Bematchez, 2008)....

Spatial Patterns of Carbon and Nutrients Across the SLR ri verscape

Bacterial Respiration and Production Aquatic BR is a mechanism through which organisms link substrate oxidation (e.g. of glucose) with an electron acceptor, such as oxygen, to produce an en erg y source, i.e. ATP. The sum ofthese processes is the...

The significance of performance drifts and thermal management consideration in energy management strategy design

Synopsis of the results analysis The performance of the formulated EMS based on DP is explored under two driving cycles, namely worldwide harmonized light-duty vehicles test cycles (WLTC_c1ass 2) and West Virginia Interstate Driving Schedule (CYC_ WVUINTER). It is worth...

Evaluation of a stochastic weather generator for long-term ensemble streamflow forecasts

Ensemble Prediction System An Ensemble Prediction System is a collection of two or more forecasts over the same future horizon. Ensemble Prediction Systems represent the probabilities and therefore uncertainties associated with a forecast. The main purpose of developing ESPs, in...