Novel Dual-band LTCC Bandpass Filters for Microwave Applications

In recent years, advances in wireless communication systems have continued at a high pace with increasing use of the electromagnetic spectrum. For example, fifth generation (5G) wireless systems will use new frequencies in addition to the legacy ones of the...

Data Quality Assessment of BIM Models for Facility Management

Building Information Modeling (BIM) consists of the creation of a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2015b). As an integrated database of coordinated, consistent, and computable information (Ramesh, 2016), BIM...

Aero-derivative gas turbine engine

Aero-derivative gas turbine engine The ADGTEs were created from aero-gas turbine engines, which give them lighter weight, faster response and a smaller footprint compared with their heavy duty GTE counterparts. They can operate on a very wide range of fuels...

La gestion des voies publiques et du transport: une façon indirecte de contrôler la circulation des animaux

L'histoire de la santé publique dans l'espace urbain nord-américain Les enjeux sanitaires ont une grande importance dans la réflexion sur la place des animaux dans l'espace urbain. En outre, les travaux en histoire de la santé publique vont reconnaitre le...

Aircraft Performance modeling

Aircraft Performance modeling The main goal of an aircraft performance model is to predict with a certain level of accuracy the actual aircraft and engine performance. The word “performance” in this context refers mainly to flight parameters describing the aircraft...

Development and validation of tools for the structural design of wind turbine blades

In the beginning of his doctoral studies, the author had the chance to participate in the design of a 10 kW wind turbine. This turbine, was designed at ÉTS and manufactured in the course of a project funded by the...

The Status of English for Business Purposes

English is the mostly used medium for international business communication. Business men around the world use English at work. They use English in finance, industry and exchanging goods and services. As regards Evan Frando (2005:1), “Business English is communication with...

Numerical Analysis of Convective Cooling in Hydro Generators

Hydroelectric power is currently the most common form of renewable energy and plays a very important role in global electric power generation. It accounts for approximately 17.5% of total electricity production, and almost 85% of electricity produced from renewable sources...

A Relevance-Theoretic Approach to Faulkner’s Style and Stylization in his Major Works

The writer’s intention and the reader’s recognition of that intention establish the ground for an act of communication much claimed by Grice: “an essential feature of most human communication, both verbal and non-verbal, is the expression and recognition of intentions”...

Software Defined Network (SDN)

A software-defined network attempts to make a network by separating it into two systems  ; the primary system is the management plane that provides performance and fault via internet flow IP6 SNMP and conventional alternative protocols, it generally handles configuration...