Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Method and implementation This chapter describes the method used in the study to get enough knowledge to answer the research question. The research method is Design Science Research (DSR), and it is...

Dynamics of liquids and glasses in the large-dimensional limit 

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) A mean-field theoretical viewpoint: the Random First-Order Transition scenario Here we present a theoretical scenario for the glass transition, the Random First-Order Transition (RFOT) scenario, which is strongly rooted in mean-field concepts....

Contributions à la commande de robots sous contraintes

Contributions à la commande de robots sous contraintes TELEMACH: immersed robots for the teleoperated maintenance of TBMs  TELEMACH (TELE-operated MAintenance for TBMs Cutter-Head) is a research project proposed by Bouygues Travaux Publics in 2007 in response to a call for...

Modern Gain Scheduling

Modern Gain Scheduling LPV Gain Scheduling  The LPV (Linear Parameter Varying) gain scheduling approach is the major al- Motivation ternative to the linearization-based one presented in Chapter 1. This method has some advantages over the latter since it offers more...

Hydrocarbon migration modeling in basin simulators

Hydrocarbon migration modeling in basin simulators Introduction This paper addresses the modeling of the two main processes that occur at geological time-scales in sedimentary basins, namely secondary and tertiary hydrocarbon migration. Before elaborating on the scope of our study, let...

Analytic Energy Consumption of Single-Source Vehicles

Analytic Energy Consumption of Single-Source Vehicles Conventional Vehicle FACE, standing for Fully-Analytic energy    Consumption Estimation, analytically approximates the energy consumption of a conventional vehicle with dimension-related parameters and cycle-related parameters. Dimension-related parameters consist of dimensioning parameters of powertrain components...

Self-adaptive Spectrum Management in Partially Observable Environments

Self-adaptive Spectrum Management in Partially Observable Environments Due to the recent and dramatic development of the wireless communication industry, the demand for wireless spectrum has been growing rapidly. Thus, the spectrum scarcity is becoming a challenge for several recent studies....

Reliability apportionment problem

Reliability is of critical importance in various types of electrical and mechanical systems. A well-known and complex reliability optimization problem is the redundancy apportionment problem (RAP) for series-parallel systems which can be identified as the selection of the optimal combination...

Modeling of Bulk and Porous Shape Memory Alloys

Shape memory alloys (SMAs) have been the focus of extensive research in the past few decades. The unique properties of SMAs have made them a suitable choice in a wide variety of industries, including aerospace, automotive, robotics, oil and gas,...

Role of community on Local Economic Development

INTERNATIONAL CONVENTION TO LOCAL POLICY AGREEMENT The Republic of Madagascar has signed several conventions and laws, not only because of the adherence of United Nations but also, our biosphere reserve have an immense impact of climate regulatory of the south...