Exponential stabilization at any rate of a bifluid interface with surface tension in a torus

Exponential stabilization at any rate of a bifluid interface with surface tension in a torus Previous works To the best of the author knowledge, stabilization result for system (3.1 .1) does not exist. However, problem of free interfaces with viscous...

Analytics Business Maturity Model As

Analytics Business Maturity Model As I stated earlier, Big Data Analytics is a journey and can be implemented using a number of iterative phases, each advancing the capability via well-defined yet small steps to reduce risk. The Information Agenda team...

Modèles d’endommagement à gradient en grandes déformations

Modèles d’endommagement à gradient en grandes déformations Damage and viscoelasticity Energy density, rst order stability and energy balance in 3D The three principles (irreversibility, rst order stability and energy balance) that govern the evolution law of α, and were established...

Heterogeneous materials with evolving microstructure : constitutive modeling

Heterogeneous materials with evolving microstructure : constitutive modeling Models for porous media with dilute concentrations In this section, we will make an attempt to summarize the main issues of earlier studies made in the context of dilute porous media. We...

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus  Noncommutative gauge theory Star-gauge invariant action To define a YangMills theory on a noncommutative plane we have to generalize the map (2.62). Let Aµ(x) be a Hermitian gauge...

Walkability and thermal comfort: an integrated evaluation system

Walkability and thermal comfort: an integrated evaluation system Keys factors of walkability Several urban design theories explored walkability at the neighbourhood scale and street level. That essentially considered physical features to improve the walking experience. According to Forsyth (2015), many...


SUR LA STABILITÉ DE CERTAINS SYSTÈMES COUPLÉS HYPERBOLIQUES-PARABOLIQUES Stability of a nonlinear hyperbolic-parabolic coupled system  In this chapter we consider the study of a mechanical problem with thermal effects, on the one hand we have concentrated on the existence and...

Dynamique et regime thermique des chaines de montagnes – application aux Andes Centrales

Dynamique et regime thermique des chaines de montagnes - application aux Andes Centrales Equilibre des contraintes à l’aplomb d’une zone de subduction Subduction zones display a wide range of tectonic features correlated to different stress patterns. Although the main characteristics...

Dynamique et restauration d’une steppe méditerranéenne après changements d’usages

Dynamique et restauration d’une steppe méditerranéenne après changements d’usages Introduction Land-use changes have lead to major alterations of ecosystems all around the world in the recent decades (Vitousek et al., 1997; Rands et al., 2010). Due to progress in agronomy...

Socio-economic importance of fisheries in the Lower Mekong Basin

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Fish migration system Mekong fishes migrate longitudinally and laterally among critical habitats of the Mekong mainstream and its tributaries or between the floodplains and deeper areas of lakes or permanent water bodies....