Cours windows server 10: Planning and administering windows server

........ Lesson: Planning Monitoring Tasks • Reasons for Monitoring • Monitoring Methods • Planning for Event Monitoring Reasons for Monitoring • Health of the IT infrastructure: - Normal activity - Abnormal activity • Service-level agreement monitoring • Planning for future...

Cours Module 3: Configuring and managing WINS

.......... Module Overview • Overview of the Windows Internet Name Service • Managing the WINS Server • Configuring WINS Replication • Migrating from WINS to DNS Lesson 1: Overview of the Windows Internet • When Is WINS Required? • Overview...

Implementing a secure site with ASP

Introduction What is a Secure Site? Windows NT Security User Accounts Understanding Rights in Windows NT Authentication Accessing Windows NT Resources File Access System Registry Access Authenticated Protocols Rights and Policies Internet Information Server Security IIS Anonymous User How Secure...

Cours Android: Développement sous Android

Extrait du cours développement sous Android 1.1 Introduction Il est important de prendre la mesure de choses. A l'heure actuelle (November 2012): • juin 2012: 1 million d'activations par jour (Google IO 2012) • sept. 2012: 1.3 million d'activations par jour...

Cours OMG unified modeling language specification

Sommaire: Cours OMG unified modeling language specification Preface 0.1 About the Unified Modeling Language (UML) 0.2 About the Object Management Group (OMG) 0.3 About This Document 0.4 Compliance to the UML 0.5 Acknowledgements 0.6 References 1. UML Summary 1.1 Overview 1.2...

Cours Informatique IPv6 et Sécurité

Extrait du cours informatique IPv6 et Sécurité Problèmes d ’IPv4 • taille de l’Internet double tous les 6 mois • saturation de l’espace d’adressage prévue pour 2010 – 150 000 réseaux en mars 2000 – qlq millions d’ici peu –...

Cours 4D v11 ODBC driver installation guide

Extrait du cours Installing the 4D v11 ODBC Driver The new 4D v11 ODBC Driver for 4D Server exists for both Mac and PC platforms. It is based on ODBC Driver Manager 3.5 and does not require any external libraries:...

Cours Oracle: Protecting Oracle Database Vault

Sommaire: Protecting Oracle Database Vault Table of Contents Abstract What is Oracle Database Vault? Oracle Database Vault Release Differences Oracle Database Vault concepts Oracle Database Vault schemas Oracle Database Vault users and roles Typical Database Vault users What changes with...

Metal-air Batteries

Metal-air Batteries Different electrolytes can be used in metal/air batteries: solid, organic, aqueous, or the last two separated by a conducting membrane (hybrid). In aqueous metal/air batteries using neutral or alkaline electrolytes, the oxygen reduction during discharge may be written:...

Le Transport à la Demande un mode de transport public

Le Transport à la Demande un mode de transport public Définitions et apparition du TAD Les définitions officielles de TAD varient d’un continent à un autre (Castex, 2007). Néanmoins, au-delà de ces définitions officielles s’imposent également les définitions usuelles du...