Basic biometric architecture

The idea of using biometric techniques to authenticate users in telecommunications has been around for many years as a theoretical, yet cumbersome to implement, possibility (Lapere and Johnson, 1997). Recent increases in computing power, data transmission speeds and the availability...

Site characteristics and consumption file

Weather files One of the main input data used for the simulation of a PV system is the weather file containing the irradiance data. For calculation time reasons, the weather files used cover no more than one year, and give...

Présentation de la méthode MERISE

Le besoin de méthodes La conception d'un système d'information n'est pas évidente car il faut réfléchir à l'ensemble de l'organisation que l'on doit mettre en place. La phase de conception nécessite des méthodes permettant de mettre en place un modèle...

Deterministic Mathematical Linear Programming Model for Forest Harvest Planning

Spruce Budworm Life Cycle Since this research deals with uncertainty focused on natural disturbances, specifically Spruce Budworm (SBW), it is necessary to understand how this event behaves to understand how SBW transition matrix goes from one phase to another. The...

CAN and CANopen communication protocol

The standardized communication protocol CANopen is a higher-layer protocol  based on the CAN protocol, used for industrial embedded networking. Before going into the basics of CANopen, an overview of the CAN protocol is helpful in order to have a better...

Bandwidth Extension Techniques of Bone Conducted Speech

Originating from bone and tissue conduction, the quality of BC speech must be enhanced by artificially extending its frequency bandwidth int the higher frequencies (2-4 kHz). There are many different techniques that could be used to extend the bandwidth of...

Manuel de référence de MySQL

Qu'est ce que MySQL? MySQL est un véritable serveur de base de données SQL multi-utilisateur et multi-threaded. SQL est le plus populaire langage de base de données dans le monde. MySQL est une configuration client/serveur ce qui consiste en un...

Initiation au routage

Les grands principes d'OSPF OSPF est un protocole de routage dynamique défini par l'IETF à la fin des années 80. Il a fait l'objet d'un historique relativement complexe de RFCs (Voir ospf RFC List). Ce protocole a deux caractéristiques essentielles...

Installing, configuring, and troubleshooting the network policy server role rervice

What Is a Network Policy Server? Windows Server 2008 Network Policy Server (NPS): • RADIUS server • RADIUS proxy • Network Access Protection Network Policy Server Usage Scenarios NPS is used for the following scenarios: • Network Access Protection •...

Introduction à la programmation en VBA sur ArcGIS

Introduction à Visual Basic for Application Ce chapitre est un bref rappel de l'environnement VBA et de la syntaxe du langage. Pour davantage de précisions, se reporter au cours ENSG de la CPRI : "Visual Basic 6.0" EDITEUR VISUAL BASIC...