Visualizing Large Medical Image Datasets using the 3D Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT)

Consider human-in-the-loop systems that rely on a human expert to make decisions based on data, e.g., clinicians such as radiologists or pathologists interpreting images visually to identify the subtle signs of disease to plan the best possible treatment. According to...

Data Quality Assessment of BIM Models for Facility Management

Building Information Modeling (BIM) consists of the creation of a digital representation of the physical and functional characteristics of a facility (National Institute of Building Sciences, 2015b). As an integrated database of coordinated, consistent, and computable information (Ramesh, 2016), BIM...

Aircraft Performance modeling

Aircraft Performance modeling The main goal of an aircraft performance model is to predict with a certain level of accuracy the actual aircraft and engine performance. The word “performance” in this context refers mainly to flight parameters describing the aircraft...

Performance Analysis of Full Duplex Relaying in Vehicular Cooperative Wireless Communications

Every year, thousands of people die or are seriously injured in traffic accidents. Transport Canada’s National Collision Database (NCDB) shows that, in 2017, 1,856 people died, and 152,772 were seriously injured Database, T. C. N. C. (2017). Given its potential...

Variational Autoencoders with Gaussian Mixture Prior for Recommender Systems

In an era when more content is available electronically every day, it has become harder for consumers to find interesting media such as books, movies, TV shows, songs and textual information. The shear volume of information is overwhelming and provides...

Privacy-Preserving Framework for Smart Home using Attribute Based Encryption

Security and Privacy of Internet of Things (IoT) has become an important issue. Since IoT is becoming one of the most prominent trend in the current technological advancement, as the world is becoming inter-connected with the internet. IoT has influenced...

Software Defined Network (SDN)

A software-defined network attempts to make a network by separating it into two systems  ; the primary system is the management plane that provides performance and fault via internet flow IP6 SNMP and conventional alternative protocols, it generally handles configuration...

Développement application gestion de production

La fonction méthodes ou industrialisation: La fonction méthodes a pour finalité de permettre de passer d’un plan ou d’une idée à un produit, et même le plus souvent à des milliers de produits. Il s’agit de l’industrialisation du produit. À...

Does Hadoop Offer an Alternative to the Use of RDBMS?

Cloud Computing Definition Cloud computing as concept have gained a lot of attention in both industry and academia (Donno, 2019). It has become more confusing due to the fact that it is a “perfect marketing buzzword” (Wayner, 2008), or as...

Classification of Corpora

What is a Corpus? The word corpus is derived from a Latin word which means ‘Body’ in French ‘corps’. ‘Corpora’ and ‘corpuses’ are used to express the plural forms of “corpus”. The word corpus refers to a large set of...