Modula, the easiest way to test EMC

Cours Modula, the easiest way to test EMC, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

Comprehensive immunity testing concept

Modula is the most convenient multifunction generator to simulate electro magnetic interference effects for immunity testing in conformity with international, national and in-house standards including the new IEC/EN standard. Modula is based on an innovative operating concept and an open and modular architecture.
Besides the generation of the classic interference pulses such as Burst and Surge as well as Power Quality simulations,^ »~ further functions can also be readily incorporated in the system configuration. Modula features a well considered and wide assortment of accessories.
Open architecture system, expandable and obsolescence proof. Modula is an open architecture system concept that can be designed in various configurations depending on its intended use and customers’ needs. Individual function modules can be assembled as necessary to meet customer needs. Supplementary functions can be added at any time by the user. When modules are exchanged there is no need to send the whole generator for calibration, since the single module comes already calibrated with all correction data on it. Modula is expandable and obsolescence proof. Upgrades to accommodate amendments to the standards are easily achieved with minimum expenditure thanks to the clearly structured modular configuration.
All system components are defined as function modules.
This means the system configuration, corresponding parameters and interrelationships are precisely defined and are automatically made available to the user. The use of an industry standard system bus as an internal and external interface to every function module, the Ethernet control interface, the Wireless LAN interface, and a software concept based on the LabView standard running under Windows, provides the greatest possible freedom and flexibility forexpansion.

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Operational testing efficiency

Efficiency is a golden rule in the laboratory, the test facility, in manufacturing and quality assurance. Modula features all the prerequisites to ensure easy and intuitive operation and to simplify test tasks through pre-programmed test routines. Test reports are produced in real time in an editable form as the test executes, thereby lightening the administrative workload of the test engineer.
PDA for mobility, easy handling and testing. Modula The large, color touch screen of the PDA displays a features a new approach to the man-machine interface, large quantity of test information in a clear manner. The use of a conventional PDA in combination with a Important standard tests can be called up from a built-in Wireless LAN access point results in significant library and user-specific tests can be stored for later advantages for the user. use. Command inputs are made using the PDA’s.

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