Microsoft SQL Server Administration for SAPSQL Server Architecture

Microsoft SQL Server Administration for SAP SQL Server Architecture


  • Database server is the the computer where SQL Server service is running
  • SQL Server runs as a processes in NT
  • More than on SQL Server can run on a single computer
  • This is possible only with version SQL Server 2000 and not with version SQL Server 7.0
  • SQL Server is a Relational Database Management System
  • All the database are accessed and managed through the Server
  • SQL Server is usually started as a service. Below are the services that are related to SQL Server
    • SQL Server
    • SQL Server Agent
    • Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    • Microsoft Search
    • SQL Server can be started and stopped by one of the following ways
    • SQL Enterprise Manager
    • SQL Server Service Manager
    • NT Services
    • Net Start MSSQLServer
    • Also starting SAP starts SQL Server but stopping SAP will not stop SQL Server
    • The following Services should be running for SAP
    • SQL Server
    • SQL Server Agent
    • The following Services need not be running for SAP
    • Distributed Transaction Coordinator
    • Microsoft Search
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SQL Server Client Network Utility

  • Client communicate with SQL Server with one of the supported network protocol
  • TCP/IP and Named Pipes are enabled by default
  • SQL Server Network Utility is used to enable/disable supported network protocols
  • SQL Enterprise Manager
  • Administer SQL Server
  • SQL Query Analyzer
  • Analyze Queries
  • Service Manager
  • Start and Stop SQL Server
  • Server & Client Network Utility
  • Enable and Disable Network Protocol
  • Performance Monitor
  • Analyze performance issues
  • SQL Profiler
  • Profile Server
  • Index Tuning Wizard
  • Tune Indexes
  • Data Transformation Services
  • Move Data

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