Microsoft Excel 2007 Tutorial

Formation Excel 2007 and Tutorial, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

Double Underline

1. Type Underline in cell D1. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Choose the Home tab. 4. Click the down arrow next to the Underline button and then click Double Underline. Excel double-underlines the contents of the cell. Note that the Underline button changes to the button shown here , a D with a double underline under it. Then next time you click the Underline button, you will get a double underline. If you want a single underline, click the down arrow next to the Double Underline button and then choose Underline. 5. Click the double underline button again if you wish to remove the double underline.

Bold, Underline, and Italicize 1. Type All three in cell E1. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Choose the Home tab. 4. Click the Bold button . Excel bolds the cell contents. 5. Click the Italic button . Excel italicizes the cell contents. 6. Click the Underline button . Excel underlines the cell contents.

Alternate Method: Bold with Shortcut Keys 1. Type Bold in cell A2. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « b » (Ctrl+b). Excel bolds the contents of the cell. 4. Press Ctrl+b again if you wish to remove the bolding.

Alternate Method: Italicize with Shortcut Keys 1. Type Italic in cell B2. Note: Because you previously entered the word Italic in column B, Excel may enter the word in the cell automatically after you type the letter I. Excel does this to speed up your data entry. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « i » (Ctrl+i). Excel italicizes the contents of the cell. 4. Press Ctrl+i again if you wish to remove the italic formatting.

LIRE AUSSI :  Nommer des cellules

Alternate Method: Underline with Shortcut Keys 1. Type Underline in cell C2. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « u » (Ctrl+u). Excel applies a single underline to the cell contents. 4. Press Ctrl+u again if you wish to remove the underline.

Bold, Italicize, and Underline with Shortcut Keys 1. Type All three in cell D2. 2. Click the check mark located on the Formula bar. 3. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « b » (Ctrl+b). Excel bolds the cell contents. 4. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « i » (Ctrl+i). Excel italicizes the cell contents.
5. Hold down the Ctrl key while pressing « u » (Ctrl+u). Excel applies a single underline to the cell contents.

Work with Long Text Whenever you type text that is too long to fit into a cell, Microsoft Excel attempts to display all the text. It left-aligns the text regardless of the alignment you have assigned to it, and it borrows space from the blank cells to the right. However, a long text entry will never write over cells that already contain entries—instead, the cells that contain entries cut off the long text. The following exercise illustrates this.

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