Microsoft Access tutorial the Basics

Formation Microsoft Access tutorial the Basics, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

1. Start MS Access From the Start menu click on > Programs > Microsoft Office > Microsoft Office Access 2003
2. Note the Getting Started task pane on the right side of your screen.
3. Click on Create a new file.
4. The New File task pane will appear. Under Templates, click On my computer, to open the Templates window. Also notice the online templates. 5. Click on the Databases tab. Notice that there are templates for all types of databases.
Double click on the Contact Management icon. The File New Database window will appear. Select Desktop, use the default name and then click the Create button. The .mdb extension will automatically be added.
6. In a moment, the Database Wizard window will guide you through the process. • In the first window, click Next.
• In the second window, you can select optional fields to be included in your Contact Information table.
• Scroll to the bottom of the right hand column to view the optional fields. Notice the other two tables in the left hand column. They include different fields.
• Click Next and choose Standard style for your screen displays. You can preview other styles by clicking on each name.
• Click Next and choose Standard style for your printed reports.
• Click Next and accept the default.
• You may choose to include a picture by checking Yes. Then click on the Picture button to browse to \My Documents\My Pictures and select a picture from your files.
• Click Next and in the next window click Finish. • Sit back and watch Microsoft Access create your database.
7. The Main Switchboard window will appear. This menu allows you to access your data.
• Click on Enter/View Contacts.
• Fill in the text boxes on the 1st page and scroll down or click on Page 2 at the bottom of the window to complete the first record.

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