Microsoft Access Quick Tutorial

Cours Microsoft Access Quick Tutorial, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

Starting Access

1. If there is no Access shortcut on the desktop, select Start, then Programs, then Microsoft Office, and then Access. 2. When access is open select File and then click on Blank Database to create a new database and then click on OK OR If you have a database on file click on Open Existing Database and then select the file that you wish to open and click on OK. 3. Next you will be asked to name the database you are about to create. Select which directory you would like to save the file in and in the file name box delete db1 and type in ABC-Clinic. Then click on the Create button.


Creating a Table:
1. In the Database window, double-click on Create Table in Design View. 2. Click on the maximize button for full screen view. 3. Type Patient Number in the Field Name column and press the TAB key. 4. Because Text is the correct type, press the Tab key to move to the description column. Type Patient Number (Primary Key) as the description. Click on the Primary key button and then enter 4 into the Field Size text box. 5. Now use the steps 3 to 4 to make the following entries into the Client Table.
Saving a Table:
1. Click on the Save button on the toolbar or select File and Save As. Type in the name of the table, i.e, Patient, in the Table Name text box and then click OK. 2. Close out the table by clicking on the close button or select File and Close.
Adding Records to a Table:
1. In the Database window, click on the Patient table and then click on Open (Or double click on Patient). 2. Add in the following information

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