Mémoire Online: Atomes légers dans les champs magnétique et électrique des objets astrophysiques compacts

Rapport de stage atomes légers dans les champs magnétique et électrique des objets astrophysiques compacts, tutoriel & rapport PDF.

The end products of the stellare volution, when the nuclear fuel is exhausted, are one of three different possibilities: a black hole, which means the ultimate victory of gravitation, a neutron star, where the pressure of degenerate neutrons supplies the pressure independent of temperature, and,… nally, white dwarfs ,where the pressure is supplied by the degenerate electron gas. A small number of white dwarf stars show extremely high magnetic…elds,of the order of 108 G. These are the only known physical system in which the behaviour of spectral lines, especially of hydrogen, in the presence of very strong magnetic…elds can directly be studied, thus, we can compare observed energy shift sand transition probabilities with the predictions of theory.
In addition, whited warfs are very interesting objects from an astronomical point of view, since they are the most common end-product of stella revolution, and since they o¤er the opportunity to study important astrophysical processes as convection, pulsation, accretion.

LIRE AUSSI :  Valoriser les huiles essentielles


champs magnétique et électrique

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