Cours Lua What is LuaSynth, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.
Audition + LuaSynth
Another plug-in
VST standard
1 plug-in can be many signal processing algorithms
Limitation: # of Lua scripts you can write
Engineers: Lua , signal processing not critical
Same oscillator used through-out
Pushes the VST to the forefront
Focus on script authors community
What is LuaSynth
Sound/Music processing APIs in Lua
CLM C libs (CCRMA/Stanford package)
Freeverb ( Jezar’s studio quality reverberation)
STK (Open source, physical modeling)
C Sound
You name it!
Console App + VST Plug-in (POCs)
sample Lua plugin-script
pitch1=param(0)*4000; pitch2=param(1)*4000
amp = .2; dur = 8.0; maxIndex = 8; srate=44100
ends = dur * srate
o1 = Osc(pitch1); o2 = Osc(pitch2)
e1 = Env({0, 1, .2, .3, 1, 0}, amp, 0, 200, ends)
e2 = Env({0, 1, .1, .1, 1, 0}, .2, 0, 100, ends)
c1 = Comb(.312, 1155)
c2 = Comb(.212, 733)
F = FreeVerb(.8, 1, 1.5, 1.0, .2, param(2))
function processIt(nSamples)
for i = 0, nSamples-1, 1 do
s = env(e1) * osc(o2, maxIndex * param(3) * env(e2) * osc(o1, 0.0))
lo,ro = freeVerb(F, s, 0, .5)
z1 = comb(c1, lo)
z2 = comb(c1, ro)
output(i, z1, z2)
Some Numbers
Complex algorithms in real-time
Around 50 osc + FreVerb on a 1.8GHz PC
Lua versus Native C implementation
~1.7x slower
toLua binding only outside sample loop
~3-5 times slower