Lua on Parrot

Cours Lua on Parrot, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

Why choose Lua
Prove the design goal :
« supports all dynamic languages » Lua has advanced features
Lua is small & simple
A good way to learn Lua
Academic origin (1993, Brazil) Open Source
but Closed Development
Often embedded into applications Widely used in Game industry
Lua features
function as first class
exception (as library)
coroutine (as library)
regex (with its own dialect) some OO mechanisms
tail call
Lua is small
8 types
nil, boolean, number, string, function, userdata, thread, table
21 keywords
No builtin function,
only standard libraries
Grammar EBNF
1 page
Reference Manual
< 100 pages
Lua On Parrot
Native PMC Tests
Compiler based on Parse::Yapp Lua Standard Libraries
Interpreter based on PGE/TGE

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