Lua In Embedded Linux

Cours Lua In Embedded Linux, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

Lua in San Diego ● Lua is or will be used in several embedded projects. Majority of these projects are Set Top related. ● The purpose of this presentation is to share our work and goals.
Current Use of Lua ● Lua is embedded in the embedded application and lua runs as a thread or task in the application. Lua has direct access to the embedded system. ● Lua connects remotely, ( serial or TCP/IP ) to remote user interfaces – hyperterm of telnet client. ● A modest shell interface is written to command line history and interactive command editing. ( This is an important feature )
Lua Environment Continued ● C extensions tie the lua interpreter to hardware and O/S commands ● Lua Scripts are loaded at runtime and transferred from remote connection. ● The C extensions allow various levels of the driver software to be tested. ● Lua Scripts set up the environment for testing as well as provide extensive unit testing capability.
Political Problems ● Very hard to politically to incorporate scripting language in embedded system. ( Even when project is bleeding from lack of testing. ) ● May be very successful in one generation and taken out in the next. ● A NASA experience is documented in the following URL’s ( LISP SCRIPTING ) – –

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