LUA Entry Points for AIX or Linux Applications

Chapter  1.  Concepts
What  Is  LUA?
Choosing  Which  Interface  to  Use
LUs  and  Sessions  Configuration
LUA  Verbs
RUI  Verb  Summary
SLI  Verb  Summary
Asynchronous  Verb  Completion
A  Sample  LUA  Communication  Sequence
LUA  Compatibility
Chapter  2.  Designing  and  Writing  LUA  Applications
LUA  Entry  Points  for  AIX  or  Linux  Applications
RUI  Function  Call
SLI  Function  Call
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Values
Callback  Routine  for  Asynchronous  Verb  Completion
LUA  Entry  Points  for  Windows  Applications
WinRUI WinRUIGetLastInitStatus  WinRUICleanup
Issuing  an  LUA  Verb
SNA  Information
BIND  Checking:  RUI
BIND  Checking:  SLI
Negative  Responses  and  SNA  Sense  Codes
Modification  of  Nonstandard  Host  Response/Request  Header  (RH)  Bits
Courtesy  Acknowledgments
Purging  Data  to  End  of  Chain
SNA  Information  for  RUI  Primary
Responsibilities  of  the  Primary  RUI  application
Pacing  Segmentation
Courtesy  Acknowledgments
Purging  Data  to  End  of  Chain
Configuration  Information
Data  Link  Control  (DLC),  Port,  and  Link  Station  (LS)
LU  LU  Pool  (Optional)
AIX  or  Linux  Considerations
LUA  Header  File
Multiple  Processes  and  Multiple  Sessions
Compiling  and  Linking  the  LUA  Application
Windows  Considerations  .
Multiple  Sessions  and  Multiple  Tasks
Compiling  and  Linking  LUA  Programs
Terminating  Applications
Writing  Portable  Applications
Chapter  3.  LUA  VCB  Structure
LUA  Verb  Control  Block  (VCB)  Format
LUA_VERB_RECORD  Data  Structure
Common  Data  Structure
Specific  Data  Structure
Chapter  4.  RUI  Verbs
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters  Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions  RUI_REINIT
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs  .
Usage  and  Restrictions
RUI_TERM  Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Chapter  5.  SLI  Verbs
SLI_BID  Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
SLI_CLOSE  Supplied  Parameters  Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Return  Value  from  SLI  Entry  Point
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
SLI_RECEIVE  Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other
Verbs  Usage  and  Restrictions  .
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Supplied  Parameters
Returned  Parameters
Interaction  with  Other  Verbs
Usage  and  Restrictions
Chapter  6.  Sample  LUA  Application
Processing  Overview
Testing  the  Application
Host  Requirements
Configuration  for  the  Sample  Application
Compiling  and  Linking  the  Sample  Application
Running  the  Sample  Application
Appendix  A.  Return  Code  Values
Primary  Return  Codes
Secondary  Return  Codes
Appendix  B.  Accessibility  .
Using  assistive  technologies
Keyboard  navigation  of  the  user  interface
z/OS  information  .  Appendix  C.  Notices
Bibliography  CS/AIX  Version  6.3Publications
IBM  Communications  Server  for  AIX  Version  4  Release  2  Publications
IBM  Redbooks  Block  Multiplexer  and  S/390  ESCON  Channel  PCI  Adapter  publications
AnyNet/2  Sockets  and  SNA  publications
AIX  Operating  System  Publications
Systems  Network  Architecture  (SNA)  Publications
Host  Configuration  Publications
z/OS  Communications  Server  Publications
Multiprotocol  Transport  Networking  publications
TCP/IP  Publications
X.25  Publications
APPC  Publications
Programming  Publications
Other  IBM  Networking  Publications
Communicating  Your  Comments  to  IBM

Chapter 1. Concepts
This chapter introduces the fundamental concepts of LUA—the Conventional LU (Logical Unit) Application Programming Interface (API).
The topics covered in this chapter are as follows:
v What is LUA?
v Choosing which interface to use (RUI or SLI)
v LUs and sessions
v LUA verbs
v A sample LUA communication sequence
v LUA compatibility
What Is LUA?
LUA (the Conventional LU Application Programming Interface) is an API that enables you to write CS/AIX applications to communicate with host applications.
The LUA interface is provided at the request/response unit (RU) level, allowing the programmer control over the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) messages sent between CS/AIX and the host. It can be used to communicate with any of the LU types 0, 1, 2, or 3 at the host; it is up to the application to send the appropriate SNA messages as required by the host application.
For example, you can use LUA to write a 3270 emulation program that communicates with a host 3270 application; a simple version of this is included as a sample LUA application with CS/AIX, and described in Chapter 6, “Sample LUA Application,” on page 147.
Choosing Which Interface to Use
LUA includes two different programming interfaces at different level v The Request Unit Interface (RUI) is provided at the request/response unit (RU) level, allowing the programmer control over the Systems Network Architecture (SNA) messages sent between CS/AIX and the host. It is up to the application to build and send the appropriate SNA messages as required by the host application.
The RUI interface supports SNA Function Management Profiles 2, 3, 4, 7, and 18, and SNA Transmission Services Profiles 2, 3, 4, and 7.
v The Session-Level Interface (SLI) is a higher-level interface, allowing the programmer to work at a logical message level rather than being concerned with the detail of individual RUs. For example:
– The session can be established and terminated with a single SLI verb (rather than with a sequence of RUI verbs corresponding to the individual RUs involved in session startup and termination).
– The SLI library controls chaining when the application needs to send or receive data that is longer than the maximum RU length specified in the BIND.
– For most SNA commands sent to the host, the SLI library can build the appropriate RU at the request of the application. The SLI interface supports SNA Function Management Profiles 3 and 4, and SNA Transmission Services Profiles 3 and 4..
Each LU used by an LUA application must be configured using the Motif administration program, the command-line administration program, or the node operator facility (NOF) API (for more information, refer to the Communications Server for AIX Administration Guide or the Communications Server for AIX NOF Programmer’s Guide). In addition, the CS/AIX configuration may include LU pools.
A pool is a group of LUs with similar characteristics, such that an application can use any free LU from the group. This can be used to allocate LUs on a first-come, first-served basis when there are more applications than LUs available, or to provide a choice of LUs on different connections.

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LUA programmer's guide

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