LUA Building and Programming 


Who hastoread this
Target audience is th e programmer wishi ng to have multiple Lua universes, ea ch running into a independent OS thread.
The name
We choose the « task » name to avoid confusion with « lua threads ».
The idea
Imagine adata base search system, waiting for requests from clientswith dif ferent communication mechanism: Net bios, TCP/IPand Websphere MQ:
We will ass ume that the Data Base Se rver o utperform ou r needs.
Now ,we can identify at le ast four specific functions inside the syste m:
1. Netbios communications.
2. TCP/IP communications.
3. MQ communications.
4. Search andretrieval


Step 1 
Expand src directory from tgz inside src d irectory of y our Lua installati on.
Step 2 
Y ou mustselect the threading support:
1. define NA TV_WIN32 :Original code without cancellati on.
2. not define NA TV_WIN 32 : Pthre ads−Win32 code dependent. (Y ou must have Pthreads−Win32 SNAPSHOT 2004−06−22 or later)
Adapt your LibLuaLib.dsp using build/win32/static/Li bLuaLib.dsp as a n example.
Build l ua.exe
Loadable module
Put build/win32/module/task.ds p inside src/Lu aT ask of your installati on.
Add it to Lua.dsw
Build task. dll
Adapt your config using build/ix/static/confi g as anexample.
Adapt your src/lib/M akefile using build/ix/static/M akefile as anexample.
Build l ua binary .
Loadable module
Adapt your config using build/ix/module/co nfig as an example.
Put build/ix/module/M akefile in side src/LuaT ask of yo ur installation.
Build l ibtask.s o


How to use it 
If you static ally link ed LuaT ask, yo u must put acall to luaopen_task( ) after c alling to lua_open( ) in your program. This is th e only thi ng to co de in C language.
If you are using the LuaT ask dynamic library ,you must include the fo llowing code in the main task:
require  ‘task’
Initial izati on code inside LuaT ask creates the global tasks l ist,gets athread specific key , and creates the « task » namespace.
Now ,you can use the functions inside « task » namespace to ma nipulate tasks a nd messages.
Look at the « LuaT ask Reference Gui de » for functi ons syntax.
A very simple example with two tasks
1. Amain task s howing aprompt andgetting a command.
2. Asecondary echo task.
The main task ( a ):

require 'task'
local myid = −− gets the current  task id
local tsk, err = task.create( 't2.lua', { myid}) −− creates a new task
while true do
io.stdout:write( '\necho> ') −− shows prompt
local cmd = '*l') −− gets command
if cmd == 'quit' then
break −− if comm and is quit,  terminates
else tsk, cmd, 0) −− sends command  text to ech o task
local buf, flags, rc = task.receive( −1) −− waits for ans wer
io.stdout:write( buf) −− shows answer
end tsk, '', 1) −− sends dummy message with "1"  as stop fla g
task.receive( 1000) −− waits (1 sec)  for stop acknowle dge from ech o task
The "echo" task ( t2.l ua ):
local main_id = arg[1] −− gets the main task id    from  arg[1]
while true do
local buf, flags, rc = task.receive( −1) −−  waits for message
if flags == 1 then
break −− if flag s is stop, termina tes
else main_id, 'Echo: {' .. buf .. '}', 0) −− sends echo
end main_id, '', 1) −− sends acknowledge   for stop  message

Si le lien ne fonctionne pas correctement, veuillez nous contacter (mentionner le lien dans votre message)
Lua Task 1.6 Manual (438.34 KO) (Cours PDF)
Lua Task 1.6 Manual

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