Introduction to awk

Introduction to awk

what is awk

  • The word awk is derived from the names of its inventors!!!
  • awk is actually Aho Weinberger and Kernighan ;).
  • From the original awk paper published by Bell Labs, awk is

 Awk is a programming language designed to make many common information  retrieval  and text manipulation tasks  easy to state and to perform.”

  • Simply put, awk is a programming language designed to search for, match patterns, and perform actions on files.

awk versions

  • awk – Original Bell Labs awk (Version 7 UNIX, around 1978) + latest POSIX


  • nawk – New awk (released with SVR4 around 1989)
  • gawk – GNU implementation of awk standard.
  • mawk – Michael’s awk.

……… and the list goes on.

All these are basically same except for some minor differences in features

provided. This presentation will assume the  widely used POSIX  awk (also

called “awk”).

A few basic things about awk

  • awk reads from a file or from its standard input, and outputs to its standard output.
  • awk recognizes the concepts of « file », « record » and « field ».
  • A file consists of records, which by default are the lines of the file. One line becomes one record.
  • awk operates on one record at a time.
  • A record consists of fields, which by default are separated by any number of spaces or tabs.
  • Field number 1 is accessed with $1, field 2 with $2, and so forth. $0 refers to the whole record.

Program Structure in Awk

  • An awk program is a sequence of statements of the form:

pattern   { action }

pattern   { action }

  • pattern in front of an action acts as  a  selector  that determines  whether  the  action is to be executed.
  • Patterns can be : regular expressions, arithmetic relational  expressionsstring-valued  expressions,  and arbitrary boolean combinations of these.

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