Extrait du cours personal finance education
From Panic to understanding – implementing an economics course requirement in arkansas –economics arkansas “
Panic.” ThaT is how Marsha MasTers described many educators’ initial reaction to the Arkansas Department of Education’s 2009 inclusion of a high school economics course as a new graduation requirement. Masters, Program Coordinator at Economics Arkansas, integrated economics into her elementary school curriculum for years as a classroom teacher but admitted, “Teachers who have a social studies certification feel great comfort in teaching history and geography but they rarely feel they have the knowledge to teach economics.”
Sue Owens, Economics Arkansas’ Executive Director, also recognized the challenge. “Prior to this requirement, we were aware of only two school districts in the state requiring economics for graduation.” Suddenly all 250+ school districts were being held to this new standard.
Fortunately, Economics Arkansas was prepared to take immediate action. According to Owens, providing teachers with the support to confidently teach economics “was a commitment we made to the Arkansas Department of Education. We told them since our organization led the initiative for the requirement; we will be the resource for training, so our organization developed an activities-based training curriculum with lessons for educators to teach the economics and personal finance standards.” In the first summer after the requirement was announced, Economics Arkansas held six workshops across the state to prepare teachers, plus they offered additional training based on requests from school districts. Last year, Economics Arkansas partneredwith the Federal Reserve Bank of St Louis to update the curriculum.
Arkansas high school teachers now have a much different attitude toward teaching the economics course. Economics Arkansas Program Coordinator Jennifer Taunton said instead of panic, feedback is more like, “I see how this works and I feel more comfortable teaching my students.”
Teachers have expressed how excited their students are with the activitiesbased lessons.
One Arkansas high school student “first” to graduate with the economics requirement is the son of Dr. Tom Kimbrell, the Arkansas Department of Education Commissioner.
Dr. Kimbrell is a long-time supporter of economic education and said his son’s experience “helped him understand the need to know more about economics, and he put his new knowledge to use by creating a unique opportunity to work in the summer.”

Economic and personal finance education in our nation’s schools (872 KO) (Cours PDF)