Creativity methods to promote European equality

Creativity methods to promote European equality

Not to be confused with general artistical “creative methods(!!!)”, creativity methods aim to increase the power of mind, the concentration, the mental productivity and the structuring of thoughts. Advertising agencies, marketing departments, inventors, scientists, artists and writers use these easy and simple methods regularly to defeat mind blockades, get inspiration, gain alternative points of view or find solutions. The methods are not only effective to increase inventiveness but can be applied to any concrete or abstract subject and help to develop any theme. The workshop revises the wide range of creativity techniques in theory and practice (associative plays, graphic depictions, morphological matrix to Osborne, role plays, etc.). Thematically the creativity methods will be exercised to develop ideas and perspectives that increase social, political, economical, ethnical or gender equality in the European context: How to avoid disadvantages in our countries? Are all citizens and all member states of Europe equally considered in media? Which are the benefits or disadvantages in the systems of the different member states (welfare, justice, politics, etc.)? These and other questions will be treated in group work and discussions in which the participants will compare facts and exchange views about their respective homelands.

Not to be confused with general artistical “creative methods(!!!)”, creativity methods aim to increase the power of mind, the concentration, the mental productivity and the structuring of thoughts. Advertising agencies, marketing departments, inventors, scientists, artists and writers use these easy and simple methods regularly to defeat mind blockades, get inspiration, gain alternative points of view or find solutions. The methods are not only effective to increase inventiveness but can be applied to any concrete or abstract subject and help to develop any theme. The workshop revises the wide range of creativity techniques in theory and practice (associative plays, graphic depictions, morphological matrix to Osborne, role plays, etc.). Thematically the creativity methods will be exercised to develop ideas and perspectives that increase social, political, economical, ethnical or gender equality in the European context: How to avoid disadvantages in our countries? Are all citizens and all member states of Europe equally considered in media? Which are the benefits or disadvantages in the systems of the different member states (welfare, justice, politics, etc.)? These and other questions will be treated in group work and discussions in which the participants will compare facts and exchange views about their respective homelands.Die Teilnehmenden nähern sich, unterstützt von innovativen Entwicklungsmethoden, ihrer eigenen Vision bzw. Intention und entfalten daraus ein nachhaltiges Projekt für den sozialen Wandel. Diese Erfahrung bestärkt sie aktiv – in ihrer Lebensumgebung – Verantwortung zu übernehmen und auf lokaler Ebene konkrete Projekte umzusetzen. Der Workshop integriert dabei Know-How & Handwerkszeug, Persönlichkeitsentfaltung, sowie die Entwicklung von Visionen und Projekten für eine nachhaltige Gesellschaft. Dies verhilft Menschen zu mehr und zielorientierter Handlungs- und Gestaltungsfähigkeit.

Die Teilnehmenden werden während der 9 Tage in ihrem individuellen Entwicklungsprozess unterstützt und begleitet: der Workshop umfasst dabei thematisch aufeinander aufbauende Gruppenworkshops, Inputs, Best-Practice-Beispiele, Coaching für die Umsetzung und Freiräume für die Arbeit im eigenen Rhythmus. Voraussetzungen für die Teilnahme: hohe Motivation, einen eigenen gesellschaftlichen Beitrag zu leisten und die Bereitschaft, dafür auch an der eigenen Persönlichkeit zu arbeiten.Supported by innovative methods, participants approach their own visions and intentions in order to unfold a sustainable project for social change. The experiences in the 8 days empower them to actively engage within their surrounding, take responsibility and implement concrete projects on a regional scale. The workshop integrates know-how & tools, personality development as well as the development of visions and projects for a sustainable society. It supports people to become more aware of their ability of creation and action. During the 8 days workshop the participants will be supported and accompanied in their own process of development: that includes group-workshops, inputs, best-practise examples, coaching for implementation and free space to work in individual pace. Requirements for participation are: high motivation to implement an idea and the willingness to work on ones own personality.Supported by innovative methods, participants approach their own visions and intentions in order to unfold a sustainable project for social change. The experiences in the 8 days empower them to actively engage within their surrounding, take responsibility and implement concrete projects on a regional scale. The workshop integrates know-how & tools, personality development as well as the development of visions and projects for a sustainable society. It supports people to become more aware of their ability of creation and action. During the 8 days workshop the participants will be supported and accompanied in their own process of development: that includes group-workshops, inputs, best-practise examples, coaching for implementation and free space to work in individual pace. Requirements for participation are: high motivation to implement an idea and the willingness to work on ones own personality.


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