Course comparing java web frameworks

Sommaire: Comparing java web frameworks

Pros and Cons
Q and A

Extrait du course comparing java web frameworks


  • Your experience with webapps?
  • Your experience with Java EE?
  • What do you want to get from this session?
  • Experience with Maven, Tomcat, Hibernate, Spring?
  • Web Framework Experience:
  • Spring MVC, Struts 2, Stripes, JSF, Tapestry,Wicket

Power user of Java Open Source Frameworks

  • Author of Spring Live and Pro JSP 2.0
  • Founder of AppFuse and AppFuse Light
  • Member of Java EE 5, JSF 1.2 and Bean Validation  Expert Groups
  • Committer on Apache Projects: Roller and Struts
  • Java Blogger since 2002
  • Who is Matt Raible?


  • Java EE Standard – lots of demand and jobs
  • Fast and easy to develop with initially
  • Lots of component libraries


  • Tag soup for JSPs
  • Doesn’t play well with REST or Security
  • No single source for implementation

Spring MVC

  • Lifecyle for overriding binding, validation, etc.
  • Integrates with many view options seamlessly:
  • JSP/JSTL, Tiles, Velocity, FreeMarker, Excel, PDF
  • Inversion of Control makes it easy to test
LIRE AUSSI :  Java est un langage orienté objet


  • Configuration intensive – lots of XML
  • Almost too flexible – no common parent
  • Controller
  • No built-in Ajax support


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Course comparing java web frameworks (1939 KO) (Cours PDF)
Comparing java web frameworks

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