Concerning the Adoption of Uniform Technical Prescriptions for Wheeled Vehicles
If the moped submitted for approval pursuant to paragraph 3 of this Regulation meets the requirements of paragraphs 6. and 7. below, approval of that moped type with regard to noise shall be granted. 5.2. An approval number shall be assigned to each type approved. Its first two digits shall indicate the series of amendments (at present 02) incorporating the most recent major technical amendments made to the Regulation at the time of issue of the approval. The same Contracting Party may not assign the same number to the same moped type equipped with another type of exhaust or silencing system, or to another moped type. 5.3. Notice of approval or of refusal of approval of a moped type pursuant to this Regulation shall be communicated to the Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation, by means of a form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation and of drawings of the exhaust or silencing system supplied by the applicant for approval, in a format not exceeding A4 (210 x 297 mm) or folded to that format and on an appropriate scale. 5.4. There shall be affixed, conspicuously and in a readily accessible place specified on the approval form, to every moped conforming to a moped type approved under this Regulation an international approval mark consisting of:
A circle surrounding the letter « E » followed by the distinguishing number of the country which has granted approval; 5.4.2. The number of this Regulation, followed by the letter « R », a dash and the approval number to the right of the circle prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. above. 5.5. If the moped conforms to a moped type approved, under one or more Regulations annexed to the Agreement, in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation, the symbol prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. above need not be repeated; in such a case the Regulation and approval numbers and the additional symbols of all the Regulations under which approval has been granted in the country which has granted approval under this Regulation shall be placed in vertical columns to the right of the symbol prescribed in paragraph 5.4.1. above.In order to verify conformity as prescribed in paragraph 8.1. above, a moped, bearing the approval mark required by this Regulation, shall be taken from the series. Production shall be deemed to conform to the requirements of this Regulation if the level measured by the method described in paragraph 3.1. of Annex 3 to this Regulation does not exceed by more than 3 dB(A) the value measured during type approval nor by more than 1 dB(A) the limits prescribed in Annex 4 to this Regulation.
Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not refuse to grant extensions of type approvals for existing types which have been granted Until 24 months after the date of entry into force of the 02 series of amendments to this Regulation, no Contracting Party applying this Regulation shall refuse national or regional type approval of a vehicle type-approved to the preceding series of amendments to this Regulation. As from 24 months after the date of entry into force of the 02 series of amendments to this Regulation, Contracting Parties applying this Regulation shall not be obliged to accept, for the purpose of national or regional type approval, a vehicle type approved to the preceding series of amendments to this Regulation. Notwithstanding the transitional provisions above, Contracting Parties whose application of this Regulation comes into force after the date of entry into force of the most recent series of amendments are not obliged to accept type approvals which were granted in accordance with any of the preceding series of amendments to this Regulation are only obliged to accept type approval granted in accordance with the 02 series of amendments.f the holder of the approval completely ceases production of a type of moped approved in accordance with this Regulation, he shall so inform the Type Approval Authority which granted the approval which in turn shall notify the other Parties to the 1958 Agreement applying this Regulation, by means of a copy of the communication form conforming to the model in Annex 1 to this Regulation.The Parties to the Agreement which apply this Regulation shall communicate to the United Nations Secretariat the names and addresses of the Technical Services responsible for conducting approval tests and of the Type Approval Authorities which grant approval and to which forms certifying approval or extension or refusal or withdrawal of approval or production definitely discontinued, issued in other countries, are to be sent.