Beginners Guide to ITIL- help or hindrance?

Beginners Guide to ITIL – help or hindrance?

The ITIL definition of IT “Service” – is this helpful ??

“An integrated composite that consists of a number of components such as management processes, hardware, software, facilities and people that provides a capability to satisfy a stated management need or objective.”

What we really mean is this.We increasingly have to think of IT as more than a collection of technical bits (servers, databases etc.)We need to think of IT as being a SERVICE and that we, as technical people and professionals, SUPPORT that Service.We then DELIVER that Service to the BUSINESS, for the purpose of making MONEY.

Think in terms of PROCESSES rather than SKILLS
Using a Process Approach, we no longer think in terms of individual technical teams “doing their own thing”.Rather we think in terms of the overall goal which should be directed to the main goals of the organization.When we start thinking of IT as a Service, then we start thinking about how do we manage it better.Say “what are we trying to achieve overall?” Rather than “what does this team do?”

what is ITILI?

ITIL = “Information Technology Infrastructure Library”
A Library of Processes books outlining “good practice” for managing IT Infrastructure.
A set of ready-made “how to” references.
ITIL® is a Registered Trade Mark, and a Registered Community Trade Mark of the Office of Government Commerce, and is Registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
ITIL revision 3 is currently being written.
A British Standard (BS 15000) certification (BS 25000 to come).
Linked to ISO 9000 Quality Certification.

Why implement ITIL-based processes?

ITIL emphasises that IT should be seen as a service to the business.ITIL could be (part of) a Quality Management strategy to improve the quality of the IT Service for the business.Introducing clear processes should enable the company to grow and/or bring on more staff more easily.Being based on a “best practice” approach means that you do not have to reinvent the wheel.Cost reduction – Standardising “how you do things” can simplify and reduce costs.Professionalism / Clear points of contact with external organisations and stakeholders.

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