Award for best poster for a young researcher (younger than 35 years) in the category Atmospheric Aerosols on the Sixth Scientific Conference of the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry Project (IGAC), Bologna, Italy, September 13-17, 1999; this award was given to Dr. A. Kubátová, a postdoctoral researcher of my group (coauthors: R. Vermeylen, M. Claeys, J. Cafmeyer, W. Maenhaut, G. Roberts, and P. Artaxo) for the poster entitled “Carbonaceous aerosol characterization in the Amazon Basin, Brazil”. – 2002: Student prize of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry (BSMS), awarded during the annual BSMS meeting (2 Sept. 2002), Ghent, Belgium, to Filip Cuyckens, a doctoral student of my research group, for his research on the mass spectrometric characterization of flavonoids. The prize amounted 800 Euro. – 2003: Student prize of the Journal of Mass Spectrometry, awarded during the 16th International Mass Spectrometry Conference (16th IMSC), Edinburgh, UK, 31 Aug. – 5 Sept. 2003, to Filip Cuyckens for his research on the mass spectrometric characterization of flavonoids. The prize consisted of a travel grant of 1200 US $ for participation at the 16th IMSC and was sponsored by Wiley Interscience. Study Leaves Abroad 1 December 1974 30 March 1976: National Institute for Mental Health, Laboratory for Clinical Sciences, Bethesda, Maryland, U.S.A. (Dr. S.P. Markey and Dr. I.J. Kopin). Objective: Development of quantitative mass spectrometric methods for the determination of antidepressants and biogenic amine metabolites in biological fluids. 27 February 1978 7 April 1978: Unilever Research Laboratoria, Laboratorium for Biochemistry of Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. (Dr. D.H. Nugteren and Dr. D.A. Van Dorp). Objective: training in biosynthetic methods for the study of the metabolism of arachidonic acid. 22 August 1983 23 September 1983: Unilever Research Laboratoria, Laboratorium for Biochemistry of Unsaturated Fatty Acids, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands. (invited by Dr. D.H. Nugteren). Objective: collaboration on the mass spectrometric structure elucidation of lipoxygenase metabolites of linoleic acid formed by leukocytes. 8 July 1985 30 August 1985: Louisiana State University Medical Center, Department of Ophthalmology, Laboratory of Neurobiochemistry, New Orleans, Louisiana, U.S.A. (invited by Prof. Dr. N.G. Bazan as visiting research professor). Objective: collaboration on the mass spectrometric structure elucidation of metabolites of docosahexaenoic acid formed by the retina and neuronal tissue. Membership of Scientific Societies Koninklijke Vlaamse Chemische Vereniging (KVCV) Belgisch Genootschap voor Farmaceutische Wetenschappen Belgische Vereniging voor Massaspectrometrie (BSMS) Koninklijke Nederlandse Chemische Vereniging (KNCV) American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Functions in Scientific Societies – 1995: co-founder of the Belgian Society for Mass Spectrometry (BSMS) – 1996-2000: secretary of BSMS – 2001-2008: chairwoman of BSMS Teaching Experience since 1 October 1981: Course : « Structure elucidation of pharmaceuticals » Partim : Organic mass spectrometry and seminar on combined spectroscopic excercises; 5th year pharmacy students; 10 hours/year since 1 October 1995: Course « Spectrometric identification of organic compounds »; Partim: Organic mass spectrometry; 3rd cycle pharmacy students specializing in industrial pharmacy; 5 hours/year. 1992 – 1995 Course « Organic chemistry of biomolecules » consisting of three parts: – chemical properties and structure characteristics of the major classes of biomolecules; – bio-organic reaction mechanisms; – spectrometric identification of organic compounds; 3rd year biochemistry students; 45 hours theory and 30 hours seminar on combined spectroscopy since 1 October 2002: Course “Pharmaceutical Analysis III” Partim: Sample preparation and gas chromatography; 4th year pharmacy students; 7.5 hours/year Promoter of Research Projects National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO): FGWO project Nr. 3.0089.87N 1986-1989 and extension 1990-1993 Title: Biomedical Applications of Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Promoter-coordinator (Copromoters: F. Alderweireldt, A. De Leenheer, W. De Potter, E. Esmans, A. Herman, S. Scharpé, D. Vanden Berghe and A. Vlietinck) Budget: 26 000 kBEF University of Antwerp (UA) – Special Research Fund (BOF), Concerted Research Action (GOA) 1987-1992 Title: Spectrometry and Imaging in Biomedical Research. Promoter-coordinator (Copromoters: W. Jacob, F. Van de Vyver, F. Alderweireldt, A. De Schepper, P. Dockx, R. Dommisse, E. Esmans, K. Van Cauwenberghe, P. Van Espen and A. Vlietinck) Budget: 55 000 kBEF (15 000 kBEF for own research group) National Fund for Scientific Research (NFWO): FKFO project Nr. 2.0133.94N 1994-1997 Title: Mass Spectrometric Structure Determination of Biomolecules: Analytical Developments and Bio-analytical Applications. Promoter (Promoter-coordinator: E. Esmans; copromoters: A. De Leenheer, W. De Potter, L. Moens, H. Slegers, E. Van den Eeckhout and H. Van Onckelen) Budget: 10 000 kBEF (for own research group) European Economic Community (EEC): Programme Human Capital and Mobility: Contract no.: ERB-CHRX-CT 94-0425 1994-1997 and extension 1997-1998 Title: Peptide and protein structure elucidation by mass spectrometry. Analytical development and bioanalytical application. Promoter (Promoter-coordinator: M. Przybylski; copromoters: A. Van Dorsselaer, S. Foti, P. Roepstorff and E. Schmid) Budget: 2 500 kBEF (for own research group) + Cofinancing EU HCM – Ministry of the Flemish Community Budget: 1 000 kBEF Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC): Contract Nr. CG/DD/03C Contribution to the programme PODO I / Global Change and Sustainable Development 1997-2000 Title: Sources, physicochemical characteristics and climate forcing of atmospheric aerosols promoter (Promoter-coordinator: W. Maenhaut, copromoters: F. Adams) Budget: 6 000 kBEF (for own research group) Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) Flanders: Project number: G.0082.98 1998-2001 Title: Mass spectrometric structure characterization of biomolecules and functional dyes: investigation of ionization and fragmentation mechanisms, development of methods and analytical applications. Promoter-coordinator (Copromoters.
Other Review Activities
Haemers, H. Geise, L. Pieters and A. Vlietinck) Budget: 32.187 kBEF (of which 23.595 kBEF for instrumentation) University of Antwerp (UA) – Special Research Fund (BOF), Concerted Research Action (GOA): Project number: 99/3/34 1999-2002 Title: Multidisciplinary spectroscopic research on organic materials and biomolecules. Promoter (Promoter-coordinator: E. Goovaerts; copromoters: R. Dommisse and B. Van der Veken) Budget: 6.820 kBEF (for own research group) – University of Antwerp (UA), Special Research Fund, Action for stimulation of participation in European research projects (ASPEO) Title: Development of analytical methods for water soluble organic compounds in atmospheric aerosols. Promoter: M. Claeys. Period: January 1, 2001 – December 31, 2003 Grant amount: 2.916 kBEF – Federal Office for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Affairs (OSTC): Contract number: EV/06/11B. Contribution to the program “Second Multiannual Scientific Support Plan for a Sustainable Development Policy – SPSD II – Part II – Global Change, Ecosystems and Biodiversity”. Title: Characterisation and sources of carbonaceous atmospheric aerosols. Co-ordinator: W. Maenhaut; Promoter: M. Claeys. Period: December 1, 2000 February 28, 2005. Grant amount: 321,641.85 Euro (i.e., 194,381.74 Euro for personnel, 41,854.39 Euro for expendables, 74,368.06 Euro for equipment, and 11,037.66 Euro overhead). – European Economic Community (EEC): EC Programme Energy, Environment and Sustainable Environment (EESD-1999): Contract no.: EVK2 CT2001 00110. Title: Smoke Aerosols, Clouds, Rainfall and Climate: Aerosols from Biomass Burning Perturb Global and Regional Climate (SMOCC). Co-ordinator: M.O. Andreae; contractor: W. Maenhaut; associate contractor at the UA: M. Claeys. Period: 1 December 2001 30 November 2004. Grant amount: 89,259 Euro for M. Claeys (mainly for personnel). – University of Antwerp (UA), Special Research Fund, Bilateral scientific and technological cooperation. Title: Urban and rural carbonaceous aerosols in Flanders and Hungary: Characterisation, source identification and apportionment, and chemical mass closure. Promoters: W. Maenhaut and M. Claeys (Flanders); I. Salma and A. Gelencsér (Hungary). Period: 1 January 2003 31 December 2004. Grant amount: 18,540 Euro for UA (mainly for exchange of scientists).European Commission (EC): 6th Framework Programme on Research, Technological Development and Demonstration: Contract no.: 018419. Title: Organics over the Ocean Modifying Particles in both Hemispheres (OOMPH). Co-ordinator: J. Williams; contractor at UA: M. Claeys. Period: 1 September 2005 31 August 2008. Grant amount: 117,000 Euro for M. Claeys (mainly for personnel). – Federal Science Policy Office (SPO): Contract number: SD/AT/02A. Contribution to the program “Science for a Sustainable Development”. Title: Formation mechanisms, marker compounds, and source apportionment for biogenic atmospheric aerosols (BIOSOL). Co-ordinator: W. Maenhaut; promoter: M. Claeys. Period: December 15, 2005 – December 14, 2007. Grant amount: 184,035 Euro (i.e., 107,510 Euro for personnel, 23,000 Euro for expendables, 47,000 Euro for equipment and 6,525 Euro overhead). – Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) Flanders: Project number: G.0258.06. Title: Biogenic atmospheric aerosols: Identification of marker compounds, study of their formation, and determination of the contribution to the carbonaceous aerosol. Promoters: W. Maenhaut and M. Claeys. Period: January 1, 2006 December 31, 2009. Grant amount: 100,000 Euro (for expendables). – Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) Flanders: Project number: G.0091.06. Title: Characterization of biologically active plant metabolites and carbonaceous aerosols using mass spectrometric methods. Promoters: M. Claeys and L. Pieters Period: January 1, 2006 December 31, 2009. Grant amount: 247,900 Euro (i.e., 207,900 Euro for instrumentation and 40,000 Euro for expendables). – Fund for Scientific Research (FWO) Flanders: Project number: G.0173.06 Title: The importance of volatile organic compounds in the carbon cyclus of terrestrial ecosystems and the production of secondary organic aerosols. Promoters: I. Janssens and M. Claeys. Period: January 1, 2006 December 31, 2009. Grant amount: 194,800 Euro (for instrumentation). – University of Antwerp (UA), Special Research Fund, Multidisciplinary doctoral project. Title: Biogenic and bio-aerosol formation by terrestrial vegetation. Promoters: M. Claeys and I. Janssens. Period: 1 October 2006 30 September 2008. Grant amount: 65,000 Euro for UA (mainly for personnel). – European Commission (EC): 6th Framework Programme on Structuring the European Research Area; Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships: Contract No.: 039787. Title: Characterization of secondary organic aerosol from photooxidation of isoprene and alpha-pinene with mass spectrometric approaches (SOAMASS). Promoter: M. Claeys. Period: 18 October 2006 – 17 October 2008. Grant amount: 152,752 Euro (mainly for personnel). Cooperation with other Laboratoria or Scientific Institutions in Belgium: Research Group “Tropospheric Aerosol Research and Nuclear Microanalysis”, Department of Analytical Chemistry, Ghent University: Prof. W. Maenhaut. Laboratory of Mass Spectrometry, Department of Chemistry, University of Louvain: Prof. E. de Hoffmann. Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Ghent University: Prof. A.P. De Leenheer, Prof. E. Van Den Eeckhout, Prof. J. Van Bocxlaer. Zoological Institute, University of Leuven: Dr. P. Verhaert. Laboratory of Genetics, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences: Prof. W. Broekaert. Janssen Farmaceutica, R&D Division: Dr. J. Leysen, Dr. W. Lauwers. in Europe (Belgium excluded): Department of Physics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland: Prof. M. Kulmala, T. Ruuskanen. Institute for Tropospheric Research (IfT), Leipzig, Germany: Dr. Y. Iinuma. Biogeochemistry and Air Chemistry Divisions, Max Planck Institute for Chemistry (MPIC), Mainz, Germany: Prof. M.O. Andreae, Dr. J. Williams and others (and also with several other European universities and institutions within the framework of the EU SMOCC project). Institute for Analytical Chemistry, Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria: Prof. H. Puxbaum, Dr. H. Bauer. Air Chemistry Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Veszprém, Hungary: Dr. A. Gelencsér. Institute of Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (ISAC), Bologna, Italy: Dr. S. Fuzzi, Dr. M.C. Facchini. Department of Chemistry, University of Lisbon, Portugal: Prof. M. A. Almoster-Ferreira, Dr. C. Borges. Department of Chemistry, University of Konstanz, Germany: Prof. M. Przybylski. Institute of Mass Spectrometry and Department of Chemistry, University of Warwick, Coventry, U.K.: Prof. P. Derrick. Unilever Research Laboratories, Vlaardingen, The Netherlands: Dr. D.H. Nugteren. Department of Pharmacy, University of Tromsoe, Norway: Prof. E. Jensen, Dr. M. Moe. Institute for Food Research, Norwich, U.K.: Dr. F.A. Mellon. Center for Mass Spectrometry, National Research Council (CNR), Naples, Italy: Dr. G. Pocsfalvi. Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Kuopio: Dr. J. Joutsensaari. in the U.S.A.: National Exposure Research Laboratory, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Research Triangle Park, NC: Dr. T.E. Kleindienst, Dr. E.O. Edney.
Departments of Environmental Science and Engineering and Chemical Engineering, California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, CA: Prof. J. H. Seinfeld. in the rest of the world: Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil: Prof. P. Artaxo. Department of Chemistry, University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil: Prof. M. Eberlin. National Research Centre for Environmental Analysis and Measurements (NRCEAM), Beijing, China: Dr. X. Liu. School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shanghai University, Shanghai, China: Dr. W. Wang. Department of Environmental Sciences, Weizmann Institute, Rehovot, Israel: Dr. Y. Rudich. Institute for Marine Biosciences, National Research Council, Halifax, Nova Scotia: Dr. R.K. Boyd. Department of Chemistry, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada: Prof. J.S. Grossert. Department of Chemical Pathology, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa: Dr. V. Steenkamp. Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering, National Academy of Sciences of the Ukraine, Kharkov: Dr. M.V. Kosevich. Membership of Editorial Boards of International Scientific Journals 1.01.1982-31.12.2003: Mass Spectrometry Reviews 1.01.1993-31.12.1994: Biological Mass Spectrometry 1.01.1995- : Journal of Mass Spectrometry (continuation of « Organic Mass Spectrometry » and « Biological Mass Spectrometry) 1.01.2003-31.12.2008: Journal of the Amercian Society for Mass Spectrometry 1.01.2003- : Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Review Activities for International Scientific Journals Last update: 31 December 2006 total number of manuscripts last year (2006) Analusis: 1 Analytical Chemistry: 7 1 Analytica Chimica Acta: 1 Analytical Biochemistry: 1 Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics: 2 Atmospheric Environment: 4 1 Biochimica Biophysica Acta: 1 Biological Mass Spectrometry: 18 Boreal Forest Research: 1 Chemosphere: 2 Clinica Chimica Acta: 6 Environmental Chemistry: 1 Environmental Science and Technology: 5 2 European Journal of Biochemistry: 1 European Mass Spectrometry: 4 Geophysical Research Letters: 3 International Journal of Mass Spectrometry: 5 Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry: 4 1 Journal of Chromatography: 22 1 Journal of Geophysical Research – Atmospheres: 7 1 Journal of the American Chemical Society 1 Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry: 16 5 Journal of Mass Spectrometry: 61 6 Journal of Natural Products: 16 Journal of Neurochemistry: 1 Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis: 1 Journal of Separation Science: 1 Lipids: 1 Mass Spectrometry Reviews: 3 Prostaglandins: 1 Pharmaceutical Research: 1 Phytochemical Analysis: 2 Pure and Applied Chemistry 1 1 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry: 23 5 Science 1 1 Varia (book chapter): 1 1 Other Review Activities Austrian National Science Foundation: 1 research proposal Dutch Foundation for Research in the Earth Sciences (NWO): 1 research proposal Ministry of Education of Serbia: 1 research proposal Dutch Foundation for Material Research (FOM): 1 research proposal British Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC): 1 research proposal Evaluation of proposals to author a book, submitted to Wiley Publishers, Chichester, U.K.: 6 times Evaluation of the scientific output of a lecturer for the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology (with regard to advancement to the rank of senior lecturer): 1 time Evaluation of the scientific output of a senior lecturer for the University of London, Institute of Pharmacy (with regard to advancement to the rank of full professor): 1 time Evaluation of scientific researchers for obtaining a permanent residence permit in the United States: 5 times Evaluation of the scientific output of a researcher for the Italian National Research Council (CNR) (with regard to advancement to a tenure position): 1 time Evaluation of the scientific output of doctoral researchers for the Fund for Scientific Research – Flanders (FWO) (with regard to application for a postdoctoral mandate): 4 times Evaluation of a postdoctoral researcher of the Fund for Scientific Research – French Community (FNRS) (with regard to his application for a permanent mandate): 1 time Evaluation of a senior researcher for the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (with regard to her promotion to research director): 1 time.
