Introduction to C++

Introduction to C++ INTRODUCTION C++ improves on many of C’s features. C++ provides object-oriented programming (OOP). C++ is a superset to C. No ANSI standard exists yet (in 1994). In C, /* This is a single-line comment. */ In C++,...

Design objectives in C++

Object-Oriented Programming Part 1 INTRODUCTION Over time, data abstraction has become essential as programs became complicated. Benefits: 1. Reduce conceptual load (minimum detail). 2. Fault containment. 3. Independent program components. (difficult in practice). Code reuse possible by extending and refining...

Why use C++?

INTRODUCTION o Why use C++? ANSI standard Compilers available on every platform All libraries (to my knowledge) have C and/or C++ API o Is C++ better than Fortran? Structure Object orientation Reusable code and library creation Excellent error checking at...

C++ Tutorial Class Basics

Class Basics #ifndef _IMAGE_H_ Prevents multiple references #define _IMAGE_H_ #include Include a library file #include "vectors.h“ Include a local file class Image { public: ... Variables and functions accessible from anywhere private: ... Variables and functions accessible only from within...

Introduction to C++ Templates

C++ FUNCTION TEMPLATE lApproaches for functions that implement identical tasks for different data types Naïve Approach Function Overloading Function Template lInstantiating a Function Templates NAIVE APPROCH create unique functions with unique names for each combination of data types difficult to...

C++ structure membrers

STRUCTURE A Structure is a container, it can hold a bunch of things. –These things can be of any type. Structures are used to organize related data (variables) into a nice neat package. EXAPMES STUDENT RECORD Student Record: –Name  ...

C++ Creating String Objects

Creating String Objects C-string Array of chars that is null terminated (‘\0’). C++ - string Object whose string type is defined in the file has a large repertoire of functions (e.g. length, replace, etc.) char cs[ ] = “Napoleon”; //...

C++ STL – Standard Template Library

STL – Standard Template Library Collections of useful classes for common data structures Ability to store objects of any type (template) Study of containers Containers form the basis for treatment of data structures Container – class that stores a collection...

Standard Template Library (STL)

Standard Template Library (STL) The Standard Template Library defines powerful, template-based, reusable components That implements common data structures and algorithms STL extensively uses generic programming based on templates Divided into three components: Containers: data structures that store objects of any...

Introduction to Search Algorithms

Introduction to Search Algorithms A search algorithm is a method of locating a specific item of information in a larger collection of data. This section discusses two algorithms for searching the contents of an array. The Linear Search This is...