Application of the products gotten for the treatment of drinking waters

Application of the products gotten for the treatment of drinking waters

Origin and characteristics of raw water

The raw water used for the test of the products gotten has been taken from the river of Andromba, situated in the township of Fenoarivo Alakamisy, district of South Antananarivo. The geographical coordinates of the point of sampling are the following : • 18°58 (South latitude); • 47°24 (East longitude); • altitude 1318 m. Illustration 11: satellite Picture of the part of the place of water sampling: (Google Earth), consulted on 23/10/2014, [ /] The samplings have been done during the month of September (September 2 and 26, 2014). IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science ISSN: 2455-6653 Volume-3 | Issue-10 | October,2017 | Paper-2 23 The physic and chemical characteristic of the raw water are summarized below in the next table. The analysis has been achieved by the control quality laboratory of the water of the JIRAMA located in Antananarivo. Table 6 : physic and chemical characteristics of the water of the river of Andromba, collected on 2 and September 26, 2014. 

The Jar-Test

The principle consists in appreciating the quality or the size of the plops formed during the flocculation/coagulation as well as the minimal turbidity after the addition of some quantities of coagulating/flocculating agents on a certain volume of water sample. We first compared the results of the performance of the products synthesized during this work in relation to the sulphate of alumina, classic product used by the JIRAMA society for the treatment of drinking waters in Madagascar. Indeed, the ferric sulphate (III iron), the green color ferrate (IV iron or V) and the purple color ferrate (VI iron) are all the products that have not been met usually yet at the JIRAMA according to the staff of the laboratory. All treatments have been achieved according to the usual method of the laboratory.  1,5 2 The results of the Jar-Test of every product are represented in the following graphic : • Sulphate of alumina Figure 12 : Curve of determination of the optimum dose of the alumina sulphate Therefore, the optimum dose of alumina sulphate is localized at 65mg/l. • Ferric sulphate Figure 13 : Curve of determination of the optimum dose of the ferric sulphate The optimum dose of the ferric sulphate is localized to 1ml for 1 L of water. Turbidity Dose (mg/l) Turbidity Dose (ml/l) IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science ISSN: 2455-6653 Volume-3 | Issue-10 | October,2017 | Paper-2 25 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 0 20 40 60 80 • Ferrate IV or V Figure 14 : Curve of determination of the optimum dose of the IV ferrate or V • Ferrate VI Figure 15 : Curve of determination of the optimum dose of the VI ferrate The optimal doses of ferrate IV or V and ferrate VI are respectively 27.86 mg/l and 21.43mg/l. 

Physic and -chemical characteristics of the treated water

After the tests of clarifications, we did the water analysis that presents the optimal turbidity. The results are reported in the next table: Turbidity Dose (mg/l) Turbidity Dose (mg/l) IJRDO-Journal of Applied Science ISSN: 2455-6653 Volume-3 | Issue-10 | October,201.

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