Extrait du cours a syllabus for introducing MBA students to procedural and object-oriented programming (Object Rexx)
The Devised Syllabus
In this section the contents of the concepts which ought to be taught each week are documented.
Procedural Concepts
The descriptions for the weeks 1 through 5 introduce the procedural concepts.
Week 1: Overview of the class, accepting of students, history of Rexx, latest developments: ANSI Rexx, Object Rexx, NetRexx (Java). This installment explains the intention of the author of Rexx, Mike F. Cowlishaw, to create a „human centric“ programming language which results in a simple and easy to learn syntax (Cowlishaw, 1994).
Week 2: Minimal Rexx program, interactive programming („RexxTry.cmd“), variables, constants, comments, statements, blocks, selections, iterations.

A syllabus for introducing MBA students to procedural and object-oriented programming (Object Rexx) (44,0 KO) (Cours PDF)