A quick monitor for virtual machines

Formation virtual machines, tutoriel & guide de travaux pratiques en pdf.

A quick monitor for virtual machines

The following EXEC is a quick way to find out whether a virtual machine is eating CPU or doing I/O. If you have no other monitor available, this program gives you a quick idea of what is going on.
It is based on the QUERY NAMES command, followed by an IND USER for each logged-on machine (class A or E authority will be needed). After a delay time (I used 10 seconds, but it can be adjusted for better results, depending on the installation), the program issues a second round of IND USER queries and compares the results with the first. In this way, the difference between values will tell you whether a machine is actually consuming CPU or doing I/Os.
I show the results of only those machines whose difference values are not both zero, but you can change this behaviour by giving a value other than zero to the ‘showidle’ variable at the beginning of the program.

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