Optimal Monetary Policy and the Concern for Financial Stability

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) General Introduction The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the conduct of macroprudential policies in an heterogeneous monetary union, such as the Eurozone, by borrowing on the recent theo-retical and empirical...

Dynamics of EPS in the Seine estuary in relation with environmental parameters

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Facteurs de régulation de la production primaire En réponse aux changements physicochimiques de l’environnement (nutriments, température, lumière), les producteurs primaires vont subir des modifications physiologiques, morphologiques et moléculaires qui vont affecter la...

Optimal Design Problem Formulation

Optimal Design Problem Formulation  Design Objective Design of Vehicle Propulsion Systems (VPSs) is confronted with high complexities due to powertrain technology (conventional, battery-electric, or hybrid-electric vehicles), powertrain architecture (in particular, series, parallel, and power-split architecture for HEVs), powertrain component (mechanical...

On the optimality of the Hedge algorithm in the stochastic regime

On the optimality of the Hedge algorithm in the stochastic regime Introduction The standard setting of prediction with expert advice (Littlestone and Warmuth, 1994; Freund and Schapire, 1997; Vovk, 1998; Cesa-Bianchi and Lugosi, 2006) aims to provide sound strategies for...

Optimal backstepping

Optimal backstepping Simulation The simulation is performed on a single joint with linear stiffness. The parameters are reported in Table 16.1. The simulation consists in computing several sets of gains using the algorithm and observing if the resulting behavior is...

Influence of feedstock parameters on the viscosity

Influence of feedstock parameters on the viscosity  This section presents the influence of feedstock parameters such as powder shape, powder size, binder type, solid loading, temperature, and shear rate on the viscosity of HPIM as well as LPIM feedstocks with...

Identifiability analysis of GR4J-Cemaneige parameters

Data and methods Study site and data Twelve tributary basins of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec were selected in this study (Fig. 1). The choice was based on the length of observed discharge data (> 20 years), the natural...

Attaques d’inférence sur des bases de données géolocalisées

Attaques d’inférence sur des bases de données géolocalisées Classification des attaques par inférence Dans cette section, nous présentons une description détaillée des objectifs d’un adversaire lors de l’exécution d’une attaque par inférence sur des jeux de données géolocalisées. Nous supposons...

Influence of hot forging on void closure

Forging processes are an essential step in the fabrication of a sound material. Void closure requires energy, in the case of hot forging, an increase in temperature coupled with energy transferred from exterior loadings in the form of plastic deformation,...

Rafamantanana et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis

Rafamantanana et al. / Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis Determination of extraction efficiency One gram of dried and powdered leaves was extracted as described in Fig. 2. The leaves were first extracted for 1 h. The residue was recuperated...