The relationship between the annual hydrological regime and fish

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Variation spatio-temporelle des communautés de poissons dans l’écosystème pulsé tropical Les communautés biologiques varient beaucoup dans l'espace et le temps (Southwood, 1988). Les approches actuelles pour étudier l'écologie de communauté consistent à...

Analyses of species distribution according to geomorphological shore types

Data collection The first step consisted in the establishment of a classification system of the shores based on several criteria that included form of the shoreline (bay, ledge), substratum, topography, and predominant geomorphological processes (erosion, sedimentation). This resulted in the...

Multi-scale Assessment of Environmental Changes Impact on Subarctic Glacierized Watersheds Hydrology

Glaciers hydrology Since there exists a large body of literature about glaciers hydrology in all regions, this section is mostly based on the reviews and “classic” works in glaciology and glacier hydrology. Also, as this project is based in a...

Impact of spatial resolution climate outputs

Earth’s atmosphere has been going through changes without precedents in human records. During the last thirty years, the global mean surface temperature has consecutively been warmer decade after decade (IPCC, 2013b; McGuffie & Henderson‐Sellers, 2001). These observed alterations in the...

Identifiability analysis of GR4J-Cemaneige parameters

Data and methods Study site and data Twelve tributary basins of the St. Lawrence River in Quebec were selected in this study (Fig. 1). The choice was based on the length of observed discharge data (> 20 years), the natural...

Réactivités hydrologique et thermique de l’interface nappe-rivière pour des cours d’eau amont

 Réactivités hydrologique et thermique de l’interface nappe-rivière pour des cours d’eau amont Introduction Understanding of the stream-aquifer interface functioning is of prime importance for the assessment of the stream ecological state and the associated biogeochemical processes (Stanford and Ward, 1988;...

Biogeochemical cycles Mediterranean Sea climatologies and budget

Biogeochemical cycles Mediterranean Sea climatologies and budget The Mediterranean Sea is characterized by complex climatic characteristics, a well-developed thermohaline circulation at the scale of the western and eastern basins and energetic gyre and jet systems at sub-basin scale. These characteristics...


Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Considérations générales sur la modélisation hydrologique. Classification des modèles hydrologiques. D’une façon très globale, les modèles hydrologiques peuvent être divisés en deux catégories : Les modèles physiques et les modèles abstraits. Parmi...

La variabilité hydrologique dans le bassin amazonien 

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Hydro–climatic characteristics of the Amazon Basin Rainfall regimes in the Amazon Basin show the strong opposition between the nor-thern and southern tropics, with a rainy season in June, July and August –...

Socio-economic importance of fisheries in the Lower Mekong Basin

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Fish migration system Mekong fishes migrate longitudinally and laterally among critical habitats of the Mekong mainstream and its tributaries or between the floodplains and deeper areas of lakes or permanent water bodies....