Semi-Supervised Learning approach for Case-Based Reasoning systems

Semi-Supervised Learning approach for Case-Based Reasoning systems Fundamentals of CBR Strongly influenced by cognitive science, the initial concept of CBR evolved from results of several conducted studies concerning the human brain[23]. CBR is found under different definitions in literature; it...

Diracís method for systems with constraints

Singular Lagrangian To study the dynamic of a system that described by Lagrangian, we need to calculate the EulerLagrange equations that lead us to get Önally the motion equations, where all the accelerations are expected to be expressed in functions...

The significance of performance drifts and thermal management consideration in energy management strategy design

Synopsis of the results analysis The performance of the formulated EMS based on DP is explored under two driving cycles, namely worldwide harmonized light-duty vehicles test cycles (WLTC_c1ass 2) and West Virginia Interstate Driving Schedule (CYC_ WVUINTER). It is worth...

Hybrid multi-layer CNN/Aggregator feature

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Introduction This chapter addresses the problem of image classification with Part-Based Models (PBMs). Decomposing images into salient parts and aggregating them to form dis-criminative representations is a central topic in the computer...

Résolution de quelques systèmes des équations différentielles fractionnaires

Résolution de quelques systèmes des équations différentielles fractionnaires Fixed point theorems Fixed point theorem states that a mapping A has at least one Öxed point, i.e. A(x) = x, under certain conditions on A. In a wide range of mathematics,...

Periodicity and stability of solutions for nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales

Periodicity and stability of solutions for nonlinear delay dynamic equations on time scales Notation and preliminaries Definition 1.1 (Metric space) A pair (X, d) is a metric space if X is a set and d : X × X →...

A contribution to automatic recognition of handwritten Arabic scripts

A contribution to automatic recognition of handwritten Arabic scripts Contributions and outline The outline of this dissertation is presented below. We note that the content of each chapter corresponds to original contribution. In chapter 2, we will first review and...

Marine biodiversity and ecosystem services

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Risk management It has also been recognized that wise use of fish resources over time should incorporate the in-herent risk and uncertainty of fishery systems (Garcia, 1996; Hilborn and Peterman, 1996). Hilborn...

Airport characteristics and related operations

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Optimization for airport operations In this section are mentioned the most relevant works which are related to the use of optimization techniques for solving various airport capacity problems. Aircraft scheduling and sequencing...


INTRODUCTION TO MACRO ECONOMICS Economics can be broadly divided into microeconomics and macroeconomics. Microeconomics is the study of the economic system from the perspective of households and business firms; it focuses on the nature of individual consumption and production units...