Numerical comparison models

Numerical comparison models Numerical schemes Our goal is to compare three models, the symmetric Boussinesq one, the usual KdV approximation (M) and its topographically modified version (Mb). The comparison is made for a solitary wave propagating to the right above...

Dynamics of liquids and glasses in the large-dimensional limit 

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) A mean-field theoretical viewpoint: the Random First-Order Transition scenario Here we present a theoretical scenario for the glass transition, the Random First-Order Transition (RFOT) scenario, which is strongly rooted in mean-field concepts....

The computational units of the brain: neuron and column models

The computational units of the brain: neuron and column models century, innovative staining techniques of the nervous system by pi- onneers of histology, like Gerlach and Golgi, were used to support the reticular theory of cerebrospinal organization. The brain tissue...

Flexible and Scalable Models For Clustering and Few-Shot Learning

The advancement of data acquisition technologies through Internet, digital media, social networks, video surveillance and growing business industries have produced massive amounts of high dimensional data. The manipulation of these huge volumes of data is crucial to learn resourceful models,...

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus Yang-Mills Matrix Theory Modern particle theories, such as the Standard model, are quantum YangMills theories. In a quantum field theory, space-time fields with relativistic field equations are quantized...

A contribution to automatic recognition of handwritten Arabic scripts

A contribution to automatic recognition of handwritten Arabic scripts Contributions and outline The outline of this dissertation is presented below. We note that the content of each chapter corresponds to original contribution. In chapter 2, we will first review and...

Caractérisation de photopiles à jonctions verticales sous éclairement monochromatique avec angle d’incidence

Caractérisation de photopiles à jonctions verticales sous éclairement monochromatique avec angle d’incidence  EFFET PHOTOVOLTAÏQUE  L’effet photovoltaïque se manifeste par l’apparition d'une différence de potentiel à la jonction entre un métal et un semiconducteur ou entre deux semiconducteurs lorsque le dispositif...

Modélisation des surfaces corporelles

Modélisation des surfaces corporelles  Modélisation 2D/ 3D des surfaces corporelles brûlées  Les méthodes cliniques exigent une représentation des brûlures en 3D sur des schémas en 2D (Wachtel et al., 2000). C’est pourquoi cette évaluation n’est pas objective et présente des...

Augmenting ensemble of early and late fusion using context gating

Emotion Representation Models of emotion are typically divided into two main groups, namely discrete (or categorical) and dimensional (continuous) ones (Stevenson et al. (2007)) Discrete models are built around particular sets of emotional categories deemed fundamental and universal. Ekman et...

MD Simulations Combined NMR SAXS Data Characterizing IDP Conformational Ensembles

MD Simulations Combined NMR SAXS Data Characterizing IDP Conformational Ensembles NMR and SAXS data for validating MD simulations  Toward force fields for IPDs In the late 20th century, the most popular all-atom force fields for proteins were GROMOS96 [354], OPLS-AA...