The Status of English for Business Purposes

English is the mostly used medium for international business communication. Business men around the world use English at work. They use English in finance, industry and exchanging goods and services. As regards Evan Frando (2005:1), “Business English is communication with...

Research context: project and innovation relation

Research challenges: In-between innovations and projects And as we were analyzing the innovation trends, benefits and challenges and those for the projects, we started to detect contradictions, but also similarities and complementarities all at the same time, which led us...

Pratiques aux cours de marketing

Cours économie pratiques aux cours de marketing, tutoriel économie de marché en pdf. Des pratiques aux cours de marketing : enseigner le marketing Mais pour performer l’économie de marché, le marketer devait encore devenir le formateur des marchands. Or, au...

A Critical Analysis of the Influence of the Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay on Present-Day West Africa

A Critical Analysis of the Influence of the Empires of Ghana, Mali, and Songhay on Present-Day West Africa The Influence of Religions on Medieval West African Societies Hitherto, the beliefs and customs of West Africans is still center on the...

Social Movements in American Protest Literature

Social Movements in American Protest Literature SOCIAL THEORY AND ITS CONCEPTS IN CULTURAL STUDIES The relation between sociology and cultural Studies has been very intimate. For over 40 years, it has revolved around issues of theory and practice. From the...

Women in African Women’s Writings in Buchi Emecheta’s Second-Class Citizen, Double Yoke

 Women in African Women’s Writings in Buchi Emecheta’s Second-Class Citizen, Double Yoke Poverty and the impact of money Poverty is strongly correlated with colonialism in Africa. Colonialism occurred in the continent in an unprecedented context as the White settler came...

L’identité de Glasgow : les mythes et les faits

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Une ville prospère et fière La construction du mythe Les descriptions de la ville publiées au fil du temps mettent invariablement en avant son identité industrielle. C’est notamment le cas de celles...

The relationship between authentic materials, motivation and acquisition

Télécharger le fichier original (Mémoire de fin d'études) Theoretical considerations of authentic materials In recent years, teachers have certainly heard persuasive voices insisting that the English presented in classrooms should be authentic not produced for instructional purposes only. Generally, what...

Hope and Despair in Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born

Hope and Despair in Ayi Kwei Armah’s The Beautyful Ones Are Not Yet Born Alienation of the Desperate Protagonists Before going further it is crucial to define the word ‘alienation’ from different perspectives. Alienation is a loaded word. Technically, it...

Dehumanization in John Steinbeck’s Wrath (1939)

Dehumanization in John Steinbeck’s Wrath (1939) THE QUEST FOR PROFIT: BANKS AND LOBBIES The analysis of the Protestant work ethic, the spirit of Capitalism, the belief in self - success and self improvement, reveals that, all these notions are advocated...