Growth and nutrition of hybrid poplars fertilized at planting in the boreal forest of western quebec

Study sites Two hybrid poplar plantations were established in spring 2003 in the region of Abitibi-Temiscamingue, Quebec, Canada. The first plantation was established on an abandoned farmland site near the locality of Amos (48° 35' N, 78° 05' W), which...

Impact des radiations UV-C appliquées en pré-récolte sur la sensibilité du fraisier

Impact des radiations UV-C appliquées en pré-récolte sur la sensibilité du fraisier Plant material The Candiss cultivar was created by the Ciref (centre inter-régional de recherche et d'expérimentation de la fraise). This strawberry cultivar is a nonremontant plant with very...

Pollution breaks down the expression of genetic structure

Pollution breaks down the expression of genetic structure Isofemale line technique In this study we applied the isofemale line technique (ILT), commonly used on wild populations of Drosophila sp. (review by David et al., 2005). The relationship between narrow-sense heritability...

Multivariate analyses of evolutionary changes

 Multivariate analyses of evolutionary changes  During the last few decades numerous studies have highlighted the important role of anthropogenic disturbances on the occurrence and speed of contemporary microevolutions in wild populations (reviewed by Hendry & Kinnison, 2001 ; Medina et...

Benefits and costs of adaptation to constant and alternating polluted environments

Benefits and costs of adaptation to constant and alternating polluted environments Environmental changes are assumed to have increased in frequency and intensity throughout the world, as a result of anthropogenic activities (Millennium Ecosystem Assessment, 2005). These sudden and important changes...

Déformation et hydratation du manteau lithosphérique sous le craton du Kaapvaal

Déformation et hydratation du manteau lithosphérique sous le craton du Kaapvaal Le craton du Kaapvaal est un domaine continental épais et froid resté stable depuis sa formation durant l’Archéen (Griffin et al., 2004; Pearson et al., 1995; Shirey et al.,...

Effect of three partial cutting practices on stand structure and growth of residual black spruce trees in north-eastern Quebec

Partial cutting practices are increasingly used in boreal forests for two major reasons: (1) maintaining age structure and tree diameter distribution according to the principles of ecosystem-based management and (2) increasing tree growth by decreasing competition. This study evaluated the...