Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

Emergent Geometry and Gauge Theory in 4 Dimensions and The Noncommutative Torus

 Noncommutative gauge theory

Star-gauge invariant action To define a YangMills theory on a noncommutative plane we have to generalize the map (2.62). Let Aµ(x) be a Hermitian gauge field on R d , which corresponds to the unitary gauge group U(n). We can introduce the Weyl operators corresponding to Aµ(x) by taking the trace of the tensor product of ∆(x) and the gauge field [50] Aˆ µ = Z d dx∆(x) ⊗ Aµ(x) (2.78) the derivative of Weyl operators is equal to the Weyl operator of the usual derivative of the functions [50] [ ˆ∂µ, W[f]] = Z d dx∂µf(x)∆(x) = W[∂µf] (2.79) Based on this equation a noncommutative version of the Yang-Mills action can ce defined S[Aˆ] = − 1 4g 2 Tr trN   ˆ∂µ, Aˆ ν  −  ˆ∂ν, Aˆ µ  − i  Aˆ µ, Aˆ ν  2 (2.80) where the term in brackets is the operator analog of the field strength tensor. Here Tr is the operator is given by an integration over space-time Tr W[f] = Z d dx f(x) (2.81) and trN denotes the trace in color space. This action is invariant under transformations of the form Aˆ µ → UˆAˆ µUˆ† − iUˆ  ˆ∂µ, Uˆ  , (2.82) where Uˆ as an arbitrary unitary element of the algebra of matrix valued operators, i. e. UˆUˆ† = Uˆ†Uˆ = 1ˆ ⊗ 1n (2.83) The symbol 1ˆ is here the identity on the ordinary Weyl algebra and 1n is a n × n unit matrix.  To set up the action in coordinate space we can construct an inverse map of (2.78). The Yang-Mills action in coordinate space the reads S[A] = − 1 4g 2 Z d dxtrN .

Photon Self-energy and UV/IR

Mixing Now, using the vertex function (2.106), we find the first order fermion loop correction to the photon propagator given by the one-loop photon selfenergy diagram in Fig. (4.2) to be Π µν (1)(k) = −4 Z d 4p (2π) 4 ×  T µν + i 2 sim( 1 4 p ∧ k) 1 4 p ∧ k  (˜p − 1 2 ˜k) µ kρT ρνe − i 4 p∧k − (˜p − 1 2 ˜k) ν kρT ρµe i 4 p∧k  + i 4 sim2 ( 1 4 p ∧ k) ( 1 4 p ∧ k) 2 (˜p − 1 2 ˜k) µ (˜p − 1 2 ˜k) ν kρkσT ρσ (2.107) where T µν(k, p) := (p − k) µp ν + p µ (p − k) ν + [m2 − (p − k).p]η µν [(p − k) 2 − m2 ][p 2 − m2 ] , (2.108) which is the only term we get in the commutative case. Therefore, the first term in (2.107) is naturally understood to correspond to the planar part of the diagram, and in fact follows straightforwardly from the first terms of the vertex functions (2.106) as the phase factors cancel each other, in the same way as they do for the planar diagrams of a noncommutative scalar field theory. The other terms, on the other hand, clearly correspond to the nonplanar part with nontrivial phase factors that give rise to UV/IR mixing. Indeed, the second term in (2.106) can be shown to yield the leading order contribution (The third term leads also to similar IR-divergent terms) iΠ µν (1)np (k) ≈ 8 π 2 ˜k µ˜k ν ˜k 4 4 π 2 ˜˜k µk ν + k µ˜˜k ν ˜k 4 (2.109) at the IR-limit of the external momentum. The first term in (2.109) is similar to (2.98) found in the naive formulation above, whereas the second term is gauge variant and should cancel, when all the second order contributions in the coupling constant are taken into account. Therefore we conclude that also gauge field theories defined via Seiberg − W itten map appear to fail to be renormalizable because of UV/IR mixing, which further shows that this is a generic property of noncommutative theories.

 Reduced Models and Emergent Phenomena

In this part we will work out the nonperturbative, construction definition of noncommutative Yang-Mills theory. this can be completely described in the language of matrix models (arising here as reduced models). This will also reveal some beautiful features of the vacuum structure of noncommutative gauge theories. Will remove derivative operators ∂i or ˆ∂i from the noncommutative gauge theory action. There is no analog of this manipulation in ordinary Yang-Mills theory [53]. Let us introduce covariant coordinates: Cˆ i = (θ −1 )ij ˆx j + Aˆ i (2.110) Then Cˆ i → UˆCˆ iUˆ† under gauge transformations. We can be represented the adjoint actions (θ −1 )ij [ˆx j , −] (2.111) i.e. ˆ∂i are inner derivations of the algebra Rd θ . Then the entire noncommutative gauge theory can be rewritten in terms of the Cˆ i , we may rewrite the covariant derivative as: ∇ˆ i = ˆ∂ 0 i − iCˆ i (2.112) where ˆ∂ 0 i = ˆ∂i + i(θ −1 )ijxˆ j . Then using [ ˆ∂ 0 i , xˆ j ] = 0, We compute: [∇ˆ i , ˆf] = −i[Cˆ i , ˆf] (2.113) Fˆ ij = i[∇ˆ i , ∇ˆ j ] = −i[Cˆ i , Cˆ j ] + (θ −1 )ij (2.114) and consequently, SY M = 1 4g 2 TrX i6=j 

Table des matières

1 Introduction and Summary
2 Noncommutative Field theory
2.1 The caconical case
2.1.1 The Moyal-Weyl ?-product
2.1.2 Commutative gauge theory
2.1.3 Noncommutative gauge theory
2.2 The general formalism
2.2.1 Seiberg-Witten gauge theory
2.2.2 Commutative actions with the frame formalism
2.2.3 Gauge theory on curved noncommutative spacetime
2.3 Noncommutative scalar field theory
2.3.1 Noncommutative scalar action
2.3.2 UV/IR mixing
2.3.3 Phase structure of non−commutative λφ4
2.4 Noncommutative gauge theory
2.4.1 Star-gauge invariant action
2.4.2 Gauge-invariant observables
2.4.3 Application
2.4.4 Reduced Models and Emergent Phenomena
2.5 The classical Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics of matrix models
2.5.1 Bosonic and fermionic matrices
2.5.2 Derivative of a trace with respect to an operator
2.5.3 Lagrangian and Hamiltonian dynamics of matrix models
2.5.4 Trace dynamics models with global supersymmetry
2.5.5 The supersymmetric YangMills model
2.6 Matrix model approach
2.6.1 The Heisenberg algebra
2.6.2 Noncommutative gauge theory
2.6.3 U(1) instantons on R4 θ
3 Yang-Mills Matrix Theory
3.1 Yang-Mills Theory in Low Dimensional
3.1.1 Bosonic Matrix Integrals
3.1.2 Bosonic Yang-Mills on S
3.1.3 Bosonic Yang-Mills on T
3.2 Yang-Mills Theories
3.2.1 Yang-Mills Gauge Theories
3.3 Yang-Mills Matrix Models
3.4 Introduction of IKKT Models
3.5 The IKKT Model of IIB superstring
4 Fuzzy spaces
4.1 Construction of Fuzzy Spaces
4.1.1 Construction of fuzzy CPk
4.1.2 Construction of fuzzy S
4.1.3 The Fuzzy sphere S2N
4.1.4 The fuzzy 2-sphere S2NL × S2NR
4.1.5 The limit to the canonical case R
4.2 Fuzzification
4.2.1 Coherent States and Star Products : The Case of S
4.2.2 Fuzzy Dirac Spinors on S
4.2.3 The Case of CP2
4.3 Gauge theory on fuzzy S
4.3.1 U(k) gauge theory
4.3.2 A formulation based on SO(6)
4.3.3 Stability analysis of the SO(6)
4.3.4 Breaking SO(6) → SO(3) × SO(3)
4.4 Fuzzy Tori
5 Emerent Geometry in Yang-Mills Matrix Models and Fuzzy Sphere S 2 and S2 × S  2
5.1 The Model
5.2 The 3−dimensional mass deformed Yang-Mills matrix model
5.3 An emergent stable fuzzy sphere S
5.3.1 Results
5.3.2 Discussion
5.4 The emergent fuzzy S2 ×S
is stable only in the limit M −→ ∞
5.4.1 The 6−dimensional mass deformed Yang-Mills matrix
5.4.2 Quantization at one-loop
5.4.3 Monte Carlo calculation
5.4.4 The action
5.4.5 The specific heat
5.4.6 The radius
5.4.7 The phase diagram
5.5 Eigenvalues distributions and critical behavior
5.5.1 Eigenvalues distributions from Monte Carlo
5.5.2 Small M
5.5.3 Large M
5.6 The effective potential revisited
5.7 Critical behavior from one-loop effective potential
5.8 Related topics
5.8.1 Emergent gauge theory in two dimensions
5.8.2 A stable four-sphere S2 × S
2 and topology change
5.8.3 Fuzzy four-sphere S4 and fuzzy CP2
5.9 Conclusion
6 Emergent Geometry in the multitrace quartic matrix models
6.1 Introduction and Motivation
6.2 The Proposal
6.3 Explicit Example: The Fuzzy Sphere
6.3.1 Phase Diagram
6.3.2 Dimension from Critical Exponents
6.3.3 Free Propagator from Wigner Semicircle Law
6.4 Generalization and Conclusion
7 Gauge Theory on The Noncommutative Torus
7.1 The Noncommutative Torus
7.2 Topological Quantum Numbers
Appendix A
A.1 Susceptibility and Specific Heat
A.1.1 Susceptibility
A.1.2 Specific Heat
A.2 Grosse-Wulkenhaar Model
Appendix B
B.1 Metropolis Algorithm for Yang-Mills Matrix Models
B.1.1 Metropolis Accept/Reject Step
B.1.2 Auto-Correlation Time
B.1.3 Errors
B.2 The Hybrid Monte-Carlo Algorithm

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