Lua Object Oriented Packet Scripting

Background In this chapter we provide background information about the technologies used in this project. While there are several books, papers, and presentations explaining these technolo-gies in-depth, we provide some general information and point the reader to the different references...

Lua Computational Time and Composition Time

Implementation Strategy Background The demand for tightly integrated modalities based upon immanent elements leads to the identification of two key design sites: Lower level components. Generic ‘meta-mechanisms’ rather than numerous features. Lower level components may be necessary to support tight...

PDF using lua for audiovisual compostion

LUA The lua~ external incorporates domain specific extensions to the Lua language for digital audio. Surprisingly few such extensions exist (notably Geiger’s research project ALUA and recent high-level bindings for the CSound API) and none that provide the rich degree...

Lua used as a Domain Specific Language for Multimedia

MULTIMEDIA COMPOSITION ENVIRONMENTS Digital media composition Designing an environment for multimedia composition in the digital domain requires constructing a model of multimedia representation. The ideal specificity of a model depends upon the problem it is trying to solve, however digital...

Numerical package for Lua

Numlua–Features NumericLuaLuaWorkshop’08 •SomeOOandfunctionalflavor,butnoparadigmcompromise •Matrixtypesystem:general,triangular,symmetric,andposdef •Small:interpreter+libs≈1.25Mb(staticlink)or200Kb(dynamiclink) •ImplementedinANSICandthusasportableasLua •StandardinterfacetoBLAS/LAPACK:canbelinkedtomanyoptimized libs •MITlicense Numlua–Examples NumericLuaLuaWorkshop’08 functioncirc1(v) localn=table.getn(v) localm=matrix.zeros(n) fori=1,ndo forj=1,ndo m[i][j]=v[(j-i)%n+1] end end returnm end function circ2(v) local n = table.getn (v) return matrix.zeros (n):apply( function (i, j) return v[(j i) % n +...

Lua Performance Tips

Basic facts Before running any code, Lua translates (precompiles) the source into an internal format. This format is a sequence of instructions for a virtual machine, similar to machine code for a real CPU. This internal format is then interpreted by C...

LUA Image Processor

1 Introduction For information about LUA programming, visit This book is not intended to explain how develop LUA application, but only how to concern LIP software native function extensions. LIP source code are under GPL license. LIP uses FreeImage...

The Journey from Lake JavaScript to The Strait of Lua

We Want to Swap Engines -As of node.js v0.6.x, node is just V8 bindings to libuv right? -So let’s just swap V8 with another engine.  LuaJit looks nice. -This should be quick and easy.  Let’s port the boat! Boating in...

LUA Entry Points for AIX or Linux Applications

Chapter  1.  Concepts What  Is  LUA? Choosing  Which  Interface  to  Use LUs  and  Sessions  Configuration LUA  Verbs RUI  Verb  Summary SLI  Verb  Summary Asynchronous  Verb  Completion A  Sample  LUA  Communication  Sequence LUA  Compatibility Chapter  2.  Designing  and  Writing  LUA  Applications...

Programming in Lua Functions and Expressions

I The Language 1 Getting Started 1.1 Chunks 1.2 Some Lexical Conventions 1.3 Global Variables 1.4 The Stand-Alone Interpreter 2 Types and Values 2.1 Nil 2.2 Booleans 2.3 Numbers 2.4 Strings 2.5 Tables 2.6 Functions 2.7 Userdata and Threads 3...